

  • assem assemble
  • 汇编:    collect and edit; compile; a ...
  • 剪辑:    montage; cutting; film editi ...
  • 剪辑:    1.(电影制片工序之一) montage; cutting; film editing 电影剪辑机 motion-picture editing machine; movieola2.(剪裁重编) editing and rearrangement 电影录音剪辑 highlights of a live recording of a film; 剪辑机 [摄影学] editing machine; editor; 剪辑镜头编号 cut number; 剪辑设备 film editing equipment; 剪辑员 film-cutter; film-editor; 剪辑车间 film-editing department; 剪辑导演 montage director
  • 汇编:    1.(把文章、文件编在一起) collect and edit; compile; assemble 把资料汇编成书 compile materials into a book2.(编在一起的文章、文件等) assembler; assembly; directory; pandect; compilation; collection; corpus 文件汇编 a collection of documents; 语言学研究资料汇编 a corpus of philological data; 汇编表 assemble list; assembling list; assembly list; 汇编翻译程序 assembler translator; 汇编过程 assembly process; 汇编机 assembler machine; 汇编级 assembly level; 汇编控制 assembler control; 汇编码 assembler code; assembly code; 汇编命令 assembler directive; assembler command; 汇编时间 assembly time; assemble duration; assemble time; 汇编微程序设计语言 assembler microprogramming language; 汇编系统 assemble sytem; assembly system; assembler system; 汇编选择 [自动化] assembler option 汇编指令 assembler command; assembler instruction; [计算机] assembler directive; 汇编装置 [自动化] assembly unit; 汇编子程序 assembly subroutine
  • 编辑,剪辑:    edit


        汇编:    collect and edit; compile; a ...
        剪辑:    montage; cutting; film editi ...
        剪辑:    1.(电影制片工序之一) montage; cutting; film editing 电影剪辑机 motion-picture editing machine; movieola2.(剪裁重编) editing and rearrangement 电影录音剪辑 highlights of a live recording of a film; 剪辑机 [摄影学] editing machine; editor; 剪辑镜头编号 cut number; 剪辑设备 film editing equipment; 剪辑员 film-cutter; film-editor; 剪辑车间 film-editing department; 剪辑导演 montage director
        汇编:    1.(把文章、文件编在一起) collect and edit; compile; assemble 把资料汇编成书 compile materials into a book2.(编在一起的文章、文件等) assembler; assembly; directory; pandect; compilation; collection; corpus 文件汇编 a collection of documents; 语言学研究资料汇编 a corpus of philological data; 汇编表 assemble list; assembling list; assembly list; 汇编翻译程序 assembler translator; 汇编过程 assembly process; 汇编机 assembler machine; 汇编级 assembly level; 汇编控制 assembler control; 汇编码 assembler code; assembly code; 汇编命令 assembler directive; assembler command; 汇编时间 assembly time; assemble duration; assemble time; 汇编微程序设计语言 assembler microprogramming language; 汇编系统 assemble sytem; assembly system; assembler system; 汇编选择 [自动化] assembler option 汇编指令 assembler command; assembler instruction; [计算机] assembler directive; 汇编装置 [自动化] assembly unit; 汇编子程序 assembly subroutine
        编辑,剪辑:    edit
        剪辑(图片):    crop
        剪辑版:    dts; fearless; the final cut
        剪辑点:    in-edit
        剪辑掉:    edit out = cut
        剪辑机:    editing machine; editor
        剪辑师:    editors; film cutter
        剪辑室:    room where film is edited
        剪辑台:    cutting and editing bench; cutting desk
        剪辑员:    editor
        剪辑者:    editor
        声剪辑:    sound editing
        条剪辑:    a&b cutting ab
        再剪辑:    re montage
        编辑,汇编:    compile verb; compile=put together
        反汇编:    disa embling; disassembler; disassembling; inverse assembler
        汇编,编辑:    compile
        汇编;编缉:    compilation
        汇编表:    a embly list; assemble list; assembling list; assembly list
        汇编的:    compilatory
        汇编段:    assembly section


  1. "汇报新病人的病史"英文
  2. "汇报新病人的病史151"英文
  3. "汇报演出"英文
  4. "汇编"英文
  5. "汇编,编辑"英文
  6. "汇编;编缉"英文
  7. "汇编编错误码"英文
  8. "汇编编码格式"英文
  9. "汇编编码形式"英文
  10. "汇编编码约定"英文


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