- sound editing
- 声: sound; voice
- 剪辑: montage; cutting; film editi ...
- 声剪辑员: sound cutter
- 声剪接: sound cutting
- 剪辑: 1.(电影制片工序之一) montage; cutting; film editing 电影剪辑机 motion-picture editing machine; movieola2.(剪裁重编) editing and rearrangement 电影录音剪辑 highlights of a live recording of a film; 剪辑机 [摄影学] editing machine; editor; 剪辑镜头编号 cut number; 剪辑设备 film editing equipment; 剪辑员 film-cutter; film-editor; 剪辑车间 film-editing department; 剪辑导演 montage director