- adroitly guide action
- 意大利导演: michelangelo antonioni
- 因势利导: guide... in the light of its general trend; adroitly to guide one's actions according to circumstances; divert a favorable turn of events to one's advantage; exploit a given situation for all possible favorable factors for one's benefit; guide [channel] one's actions according to circumstances; guide... along its natural course of development; improve the occasion; in the light of its general tendency; make the best use of the situation and guide it to...; take advantage of the situation [condition]; take the tide at the flood; turn a thing to advantage 我们应当因势利导, 夺取斗争胜利。 we should make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory
- 义大利导演弗瑞吉兄弟: andrea &antonio frazzi
- 我们应当因势利导夺取斗争胜利: we should make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory
- 利道: liddau