我们: we应当: should; ought to; duty-bound ...因势利导: guide... in the light of its ...夺取: -偶合聚合 abstraction-coupling p ...斗争: struggle; fight; combat胜利: win; victory; triumph因势利导: guide... in the light of its general trend; adroitly to guide one's actions according to circumstances; divert a favorable turn of events to one's advantage; exploit a given situation for all possible favorable factors for one's benefit; guide [channel] one's actions according to circumstances; guide... along its natural course of development; improve the occasion; in the light of its general tendency; make the best use of the situation and guide it to...; take advantage of the situation [condition]; take the tide at the flood; turn a thing to advantage 我们应当因势利导, 夺取斗争胜利。 we should make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory我们应当加倍努力: we should double our efforts to speed uthe construction of the socialism我们应当先到那那: we're supposed to be there我们应当这样做: that's the way it ought to be我们应当充分利用时间: we should make good use of our time力争胜利: strive mightily for victory对这个问题我们应当有求实精神: we should take a matter of fact attitude towards the matter她是个好榜样我们应当仿效她: we ought to follow her good example我们应当根据具体情况做出决定: we should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions我们应当尽力保住这些股票: hang on to the strap. the bus is starting在这个问题上我们应当求同存异: we should seek common ground and reserve differences on this issue夺取新的胜利: strive for new victories应当因某事追究某人责任: shall hold somebody liable for something胜利之斗争: victory我们应当从这些触目惊心的事实中吸取教训: we should draw a moral from the startling fact我们应当懂得语言学习不同于其他课程的学习: we should know that language learning is different from learning other subjects至于科学我们应当努力赶上世界最高水平: for science we should do our best to catch up with the world's highest level利导: adroitly guide action争胜: try to win; contend for the upper hand