- conflict of interest
- interessenkonflikt m./interessenkollision f./widerstreit m.der interessen
- 利害: terrible; formidable
- 冲突: clash; conflict; collide
- 利害: (难以对付或忍受; 剧烈) terrible; formidable 给敌人点利害 teach the enemy a lesson; 这几天热得利害。 it's been terribly hot these few days. 他这张嘴可利害了。 he has a sharp tongue. 这着棋十分利害。 that's a devastating move. 这是一种很利害的手段。 this is a formidable move
- 冲突: (抵触; 争执; 争斗) clash; conflict; collide 武装冲突 an armed conflict; 边境冲突 a border clash; 冲突法规 conflict (of) rules; 防止冲突 avoid a conflict (with); 利害冲突 conflict of interests; 两国间迫在眉睫的冲突 imminent collision between the two nations; 可惜两个音乐会时间冲突 , 我都想去听。 it's a pity the two concerts clash; i want to go to both. 政府在工业规划上与议会发生冲突。 the government collided with parliament over its industrial plans
- 利害说: theory of advantage and disadvantage