

发音:   用"军队文艺创作"造句


        军队:    armed forces; army; troops; ...
        文艺创作:    literary and artistic creati ...
        文艺创作:    literary and artistic creation
        军队文艺:    van nghe quan doi
        文艺创作的繁盛时期已经来到:    the period of literary and artistic efflorescence has come
        一切文艺创作都来源于生活:    all works of art have life as their source
        文艺:    literature and art◇文艺创作 literary and artistic creation; 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists; 文艺读物 literature; 文艺复兴 the renaissance; 文艺革命 literary revolution; 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic field; 文艺工作者 literary and art workers; writers and artists; 文艺会演 theatrical festival; 文艺节目 program of entertainment; theatrical items; theatrical performance; 文艺界 literary and art circles; the world of literature and art; 文艺理论 theory of literature and art; 文艺理论家 writer of literary theory; 文艺批评 literary or art criticism; 文艺批评标准 criteria in art and literary criticism; 文艺批评家 literary or art critic; 文艺思潮 trend of thought in literature and art; 文艺思想 literary theory; 文艺团体 literature and art organization; theatre company; theatre troupe; 文艺学 the study of literature and its law of development; 文艺语言 language of belles-lettres; 文艺作品 literary and artistic works
        创作:    1.(创造文艺作品) create; produce; write 创作美术作品 produce works of art; 善于模仿而拙于创作 be quick to imitate but powerless to create; 他认识到他必须和人民同呼吸, 创作人民需要的音乐。he realized that he must feel with the people and write the music they need. 这个曲子是一位教师创作的。the music was written by a teacher.2.(文艺作品) creative work; creation 划时代的创作 epoch-making creative work; 文艺创作 literary and artistic creation; 创作方法 formula for creation; 创作技巧 artistic technique; craftsmanship; 创作经验 creative experience; 创作思想 ideas guiding artistic or literary creation; ideas guiding creation in literature and art; 创作天赋 creativity; 创作源泉 fountain-head of literary and artistic; source of creative writing
        军队:    armed forces; army; troops; host 装备军队 equip an army; 编组军队 organize an army; 召集军队 muster in troops; 解散军队 disband troops; 军队建制 military organization; 这支军队打了败仗。 the army sustained a reverse. 没有一个人民的军队, 便没有人民的一切。 without a people's army the people have nothing.; 军队运输舰 troopship
        工艺创新:    process innovation
        排队文件:    queued file
        团队文化:    team culture; teaming culture
        姜文艺:    wenyi jiang
        文艺报:    van nghe
        文艺的:    literary
        文艺风:    ye-pong mun
        文艺节:    festival of arts
        文艺界:    circle of literature and art
        文艺栏:    feuilleton
        文艺类:    arts
        文艺片:    literary film
        文艺史:    art history
        文艺性:    literariness
        文艺学:    study of literature and art; theory of literature and art
        新文艺:    les nouvelles litteraires; nouvelles litteraires les; nouvelles litteraires, les


  1. "军队卫生部"英文
  2. "军队卫生防疫"英文
  3. "军队卫生勤务"英文
  4. "军队卫生学"英文
  5. "军队文艺"英文
  6. "军队现代化"英文
  7. "军队消防部队"英文
  8. "军队新闻通报"英文
  9. "军队信号站"英文
  10. "军队训练野营"英文


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