文艺创作: literary and artistic creati ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...繁盛: thriving; flourishing; prosp ...时期: period已经: already来到: arrive; come文艺创作: literary and artistic creation军队文艺创作: literary and artistic creation in the army全盛时期已过: one's sun is set接你回家的船已经来到: the ships have come to carry you home阖上书本的时刻已经来到: the time has come for closing books一切文艺创作都来源于生活: all works of art have life as their source那位诗人歌手已经来到我们学校了: the poet and singer has come to our school你只是不知道我已经来到这里: you just don't know that i am here创作的: painted written etc by the artist not copied鼎盛时期: a period of great prosperity; at the height of power and splendour; heyday极盛时期: heyday; zenith; acme 在古埃及文明的极盛时期 at the height of ancient egyptian civilization; 在他精力的极盛时期 in his prime of life; 唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。 the tang dynasty was the golden age of classical chinese poetry全盛时期: floruit; in full bloom; noon; palmy days; pinnacle; prime n. the time of greatest perfection, strength or activity兴盛时期: florescence; silver age在鼎盛时期: during its heyday动作的繁殖: a.multiplying他已经来了: he is come处于全盛时期: in the pride of全盛时期,青春期: heyday主要的,全盛时期: prime