

发音:   用"文艺节"造句
  • festival of arts
  • 文艺:    literature and art norm; sta ...
  • :    joint; knob; node
  • 文艺节目:    theatrical performance
  • 文艺:    literature and art◇文艺创作 literary and artistic creation; 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists; 文艺读物 literature; 文艺复兴 the renaissance; 文艺革命 literary revolution; 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic field; 文艺工作者 literary and art workers; writers and artists; 文艺会演 theatrical festival; 文艺节目 program of entertainment; theatrical items; theatrical performance; 文艺界 literary and art circles; the world of literature and art; 文艺理论 theory of literature and art; 文艺理论家 writer of literary theory; 文艺批评 literary or art criticism; 文艺批评标准 criteria in art and literary criticism; 文艺批评家 literary or art critic; 文艺思潮 trend of thought in literature and art; 文艺思想 literary theory; 文艺团体 literature and art organization; theatre company; theatre troupe; 文艺学 the study of literature and its law of development; 文艺语言 language of belles-lettres; 文艺作品 literary and artistic works
  • sbs综艺节目:    superstar survival



          文艺:    literature and art norm; sta ...
          :    joint; knob; node
          文艺节目:    theatrical performance
          文艺:    literature and art◇文艺创作 literary and artistic creation; 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists; 文艺读物 literature; 文艺复兴 the renaissance; 文艺革命 literary revolution; 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic field; 文艺工作者 literary and art workers; writers and artists; 文艺会演 theatrical festival; 文艺节目 program of entertainment; theatrical items; theatrical performance; 文艺界 literary and art circles; the world of literature and art; 文艺理论 theory of literature and art; 文艺理论家 writer of literary theory; 文艺批评 literary or art criticism; 文艺批评标准 criteria in art and literary criticism; 文艺批评家 literary or art critic; 文艺思潮 trend of thought in literature and art; 文艺思想 literary theory; 文艺团体 literature and art organization; theatre company; theatre troupe; 文艺学 the study of literature and its law of development; 文艺语言 language of belles-lettres; 文艺作品 literary and artistic works
          sbs综艺节目:    superstar survival
          综艺节目:    hanamaru cafe; variety show; x-man
          最佳综艺节目:    best variety program
          姜文艺:    wenyi jiang
          文艺报:    van nghe
          文艺的:    literary
          文艺风:    ye-pong mun
          文艺界:    circle of literature and art
          文艺栏:    feuilleton
          文艺类:    arts
          文艺片:    literary film
          文艺史:    art history
          文艺性:    literariness
          文艺学:    study of literature and art; theory of literature and art
          新文艺:    les nouvelles litteraires; nouvelles litteraires les; nouvelles litteraires, les
          韩国综艺节目-情书:    tvmoive from korean
          电视综艺节目主持人:    vj video jockey
          爱好文艺:    dilettanteism; dilettantism
          北斗文艺:    plough literature the; plough literature, the
          大众文艺:    popular literature
          非洲文艺:    afrique litteraire et artistique


    1. "文艺工作团"英文
    2. "文艺工作者"英文
    3. "文艺公共通信"英文
    4. "文艺构成派"英文
    5. "文艺会演"英文
    6. "文艺节目"英文
    7. "文艺界"英文
    8. "文艺界抗敌协会"英文
    9. "文艺界人士"英文
    10. "文艺竞赛"英文


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