军事: military affairs部署: arrange; map out; lay out加强军事部署: steumilitary deployment军事部长: head of federal military department; thead of federal defence department军事部门: military branch; military department联邦军事部: federal military department准军事部队: paramilitary force建制军事部队: formed military unit军事力量的部署: alignment of forces事部: kriya tantra皇家斐济军事部队总部: headquarters of the royal fiji military forces部署: 1.(安排, 布置) arrange; map out; lay out 部署计划 map out the plan; 部署已定。 the arrangement for various parts has been settled. 政府为实现祖国的社会主义现代化, 作出了进行新的长征的重大部署。 the government drew up an important plan for a new long march towards the socialist modernization of our country.2.[军事] (兵力的区分和配置) dispose troops; deploy 战略部署 a strategic plan; strategic deployment; 战术部署 disposition of troops for a battle; 战役部署 disposition (of troops) for a campaign; 作战部署 battle disposition; 部署兵力 deploy troops for battle; 部署战斗队形 ordered formation皇家斐济军事部队总部司令: commander of headquarters of the royal fiji military forces柬埔寨各条战线所有军事部队: all military units in all fronts in kampuchea联柬权利机构军事部门指挥官: commander of the military component of untac民政和军事部分的合作行动: civil-militarycooperationoperation美国陆军军事地面部署与配给司令部: sddc本事部: past events管事部: purser department人事部: employment department; human resources division; ministry of establishment; ministry of perso el; ministry of personmel; ministry of personnel; personal department; personnel dept; personnel noun; the personnel department部署,展开: deploy部署;性情: disposition部署版: fortomcat部署表: muster list; station bill; watch quarter and station bill; station bill部署图: deploy diagram; deployment diagram