联邦: federation; union; commonwea ...军事: military affairs部: part; section; division; reg ...波黑联邦军: army of the federation of bih地球联邦军: earth federation联邦军政府: federal military government; federalmilitarygovernment军事部长: head of federal military department; thead of federal defence department军事部门: military branch; military department军事部署: military deployment准军事部队: paramilitary force加强军事部署: steumilitary deployment建制军事部队: formed military unit联邦军政府秘书长: secretary to the federal military government联邦军队中跑得最快的人: the fatest man in the union army事部: kriya tantra皇家斐济军事部队总部: headquarters of the royal fiji military forces江邦军: jiang bangjun皇家斐济军事部队总部司令: commander of headquarters of the royal fiji military forces柬埔寨各条战线所有军事部队: all military units in all fronts in kampuchea联柬权利机构军事部门指挥官: commander of the military component of untac民政和军事部分的合作行动: civil-militarycooperationoperation地球连邦军: earth federation本事部: past events管事部: purser department人事部: employment department; human resources division; ministry of establishment; ministry of perso el; ministry of personmel; ministry of personnel; personal department; personnel dept; personnel noun; the personnel department