军事: military affairs力量: physical strength ability; p ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...部署: arrange; map out; lay out打击军事力量的能力: counterforce capability军事力量: limilitary might; military force; military might准军事力量: paramilitary forces打击军事力量: counterforce加强军事力量: augment military strength军事力量对比: military balance the; military balance, the苏联军事力量: soviet military power剑术;〔现罕〕军事力量[技巧]。: swordcraft准军事力量(非正规军): paramilitary groups可随时作战的军事力量。: force-in-being印度的军事战略和军事力量: india's military strategy and military power进攻的部署: assembly有利的部署: spotting力量的: of strength力量部署: force development军事部署: military deployment【军事】前线士兵和后备力量的比率。: tooth-to-tail ratio加强军事部署: steumilitary deployment分配(任务);任务的部署: assign力量的根源: the fountainhead of powerr力量的较量: a soldier's battle