

发音:   用"全都起来"造句
  • everybody get up
  • 全都:    all; completely; without exc ...
  • 起来:    stand up; sit up; rise to on ...
  • 起来,都起来迎战:    everybody get up and fight
  • 全都:    all; completely; without exception 并不全都吃喝玩乐 not all beer and skittles; 并不是人人全都能做。 not everybody can do it. 去年栽的树全都活了。 all the trees planted last year have survived. 我的朋友并不全都吸烟。 all my friends do not smoke
  • 全都懂:    br /186.understand all; understand all


        全都:    all; completely; without exc ...
        起来:    stand up; sit up; rise to on ...
        起来,都起来迎战:    everybody get up and fight
        全都:    all; completely; without exception 并不全都吃喝玩乐 not all beer and skittles; 并不是人人全都能做。 not everybody can do it. 去年栽的树全都活了。 all the trees planted last year have survived. 我的朋友并不全都吸烟。 all my friends do not smoke
        全都懂:    br /186.understand all; understand all
        人人,全都:    one and all
        起来:    起来1.(站起; 坐起) stand up; sit up; rise to one's feet 起来吃药吧。 sit up and have your medicine.2.(起床) get up; get out of bed 快起来, 你这个懒蛋。 get up! you lazybones. 我今早起来时头疼得厉害。 i got up with such a terrible headache this morning.3.(奋起) rise; arise; revolt 起来反抗压迫 rise against oppression; 人们终于起来把反动的政权推翻了。 the people finally rose up and overthrew the reactionary regime. 奴隶们起来反抗他们的主人。 the slaves rose against their masters.
        个个都, 全都:    one and all
        全都错了:    all wrong
        全都见鬼去:    all gone to hell
        全都失掉:    better master one than engage with ten
        全都是为她:    all for the love of girl
        全都是我们:    it's all about us
        全都是主语:    the generally praise-worthy effort of the art industries to imitate nature literally
        全都因为你:    all because of you
        全都准备好:    all ready: everything is ready
        完全都忘了:    forgot all about it
        我全都要:    all i want
        各方向都起作用的:    all-ways
        两方面都起作用:    cut both ways
        这家人都起得早:    the family are early risers
        全都告诉我(法语):    dis moi tout
        我们全都同意:    we’re all for it
        我们全都赞成:    we are all for it
        烧起来,旺起来:    burn up


  1. "全都错了"英文
  2. "全都懂"英文
  3. "全都告诉我(法语)"英文
  4. "全都见鬼去"英文
  5. "全都没用的 再多的一切也无济于事"英文
  6. "全都让你搞砸了"英文
  7. "全都失掉"英文
  8. "全都是为她"英文
  9. "全都是我们"英文
  10. "全都是主语"英文


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