so as not to; so as to avoid 短语和例子 免得引起怀疑 so as not to arouse suspicion; 免得引起误会 so as to avoid misunderstanding; 仔细核对名字免得出错 check the names carefully so as to avoid mistakes
假如;免得: in case假使、免得: in case惟恐,免得: lest以免,免得: lest不可避免得: inevitable假如,以访(万一),免得: in case假如,以防(万一)免得: replyview] in case假使,以防(万一)免得: in case免得它变质: boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil唯恐,以免,免得: lest以便不, 免得: so as not to以防(万一),假如,免得: in case免得老婆生气: he goes home early everyday for fear that his wife would be angry免得引起怀疑: so as not to arouse suspicion免得引起误会: so as to avoid misunderstanding免得有个长短: lest there should be any mishap以防万一,万一,免得: in case免得,以防万一,说不定: in case免得搞坏了视力: read in a good light lest it should hurt your eyes以免得罪朋友们: better lose the saddle than the horse不要论断人,免得被论断: do not judge,so that you may not be judged用碗把菜扣上免得凉了: cover the food with a bowl to keit from getting cold. detain仔细核对名字免得出错: check the names carefully so as to avoid mistakes到明处来看书免得搞坏了视力: read in a good light lest it should hurt your eyes. in the open免打扰功能已设置: donotdisturb免打扰服务: do not disturb service
免得的法语:连de peur que;afin d'éviter que穿上大衣,~感冒.mettez votre par dessus pour ne pas prendre froid.免得的日语:〔接続詞〕(=省 shěng 得)避ける.…しないように.…しないですませる. 问清地址 dìzhǐ ,免得走错路/道をまちがえないように,住所をはっきり聞いておきなさい. 这一点应清楚地写进合同,免得日后发生纠纷 jiūfēn /あとでトラブルが起きないように,この点をはっきり契約書に書き込んでおくべきだ. 你能去最好,免得我亲自跑一趟 tàng /君が行けるならたいへん好都合だ,私が自分で出か...免得的韩语:(1)[접속사] …하지 않도록. 一气儿办好, 免得又费一回事; 다시 또 품을 들이지 않도록 단번에 해치우는 편이 낫다 得děi把衣服穿好了, 免得人家瞧不起; 남에게 경멸당하지 않도록 옷을 깔끔히 입어야 한다 →[省shěng得] (2)[동사] 면하다. 피하다.免得的俄语:[miǎnde] во избежание; чтобы не免得什么意思:miǎn de 以免:多问几句,~走错路|我再说明一下,~引起误会。