



        免得:    so as not to; so as to avoid
        引起怀疑:    arouse suspicion
        引起怀疑, 触怒:    raise the hackles
        引起怀疑地:    suspiciously
        免得引起误会:    so as to avoid misunderstanding
        容易引起怀疑的:    causing sb. to think that there is sth. wrong
        避免引起怀疑, 免除怀疑:    avoidance of doubt
        免得:    so as not to; so as to avoid 免得引起怀疑 so as not to arouse suspicion; 免得引起误会 so as to avoid misunderstanding; 仔细核对名字免得出错 check the names carefully so as to avoid mistakes
        引起某人的怀疑:    excite sb s suspicion
        引起人们的怀疑:    raise a child; raise doubts in people’s minds
        避免引起她的怀疑或责难:    avoid causing her suspicion or stricture
        怀疑:    distrust; doubt; suspect; have a suspicion that...; be suspicious of [about]; have doubt(s) that...; call in question; guess 持怀疑态度 take a sceptical attitude; 引起怀疑 raise doubts; arouse suspicion; 她无法消除对那位陌生人的怀疑。 she could not overcome her distrust of the stranger. 我们对我们的实验会获得成功从未怀疑过。 we have never doubted of the success of our experiment.; 怀疑论 [哲学] scepticism; 怀疑哲学 skepsis; scepsis; 怀疑者 suspecter; unbeliever
        假如;免得:    in case
        假使、免得:    in case
        惟恐,免得:    lest
        以免,免得:    lest
        他鬼鬼祟祟的行为引起了我们的怀疑:    his furtive behaviour aroused our suspicion
        用咳嗽来引起注意,或表示怀疑,或轻度警告:    ahem
        值得引用的:    quoteworthy
        值得引证:    deserve quotation
        我的家产都引起我的怀疑,但目前还没有证据:    my possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof
        引起:    give rise to; lead to; set off; touch off; cause; arouse; stir up; lead up to; bring about; bring to 引起共鸣 evoke sympathy; 引起公愤 incur [arouse] public resentment; set off [touch off] public indignation; 引起哄堂大笑 set off roars of laughing; 引起怀疑 arouse suspicion; 引起连锁反应 set off a chain reaction; 引起麻烦 cause trouble; 引起骚乱 raise a disturbance; 引起兴趣 provoke interest; 引起严重后果 lead to grave consequences; 引起争论 touch off a debate; 引起强烈的反响 cause strong repercussions; 事故是由于粗心大意而引起的。 the accident was caused by carelessness. 此事的重要性已引起了公众的充分注意。 public attention is thoroughly aroused as to its importance. 心脏病是引起老年人死亡的最严重的原因之一。 heart trouble is one of the most serious causes of death among old people
        欧几里得引理:    euclid lemma
        写得引人入胜:    pen fascinatingly
        不可避免得:    inevitable


  1. "免得"英文
  2. "免得,以防万一,说不定"英文
  3. "免得搞坏了视力"英文
  4. "免得老婆生气"英文
  5. "免得它变质"英文
  6. "免得引起误会"英文
  7. "免得有个长短"英文
  8. "免的"英文
  9. "免地价"英文
  10. "免地租, 免租"英文


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