数学: mathematics学院: college; academy; institute; ...数学学院: institute for experimental mathematics克雷数学学院: clay mathematics institute数学科学学院: school of mathematical sciences北大数学科学学院: pku_sms科学和数学学院: school of science & mathematics罕见地成立了数学学院: faculty of math计算机与数学科学学院: computing and mathematical sciences数学院: faculty of mathematics湖北大学数学与计算机科学学院: mathematics and computer science college of hubei university南洋理工大学物理数学学院招生: yssy数学学报: acta mathematica sinica-english series; arkiv for matematik数学学报(英): acta math sinica数学学会: mathematical society; mathematics society数学学士: bachelor of science in mathematics德国数学学会: german mathematical society法国数学学会: société mathématique de france工程数学学报: chinese journal of engineering mathematics工业数学学会: ims伦敦数学学会: london mathematical society美国数学学会: american mathematical society; ams欧洲数学学会: european mathematical society数学学会列表: list of mathematical societies数学学习理论: mathematical learning theory