数学: mathematics科学: science; scientific knowledg ...学院: college; academy; institute; ...数学科学学院: school of mathematical sciences计算机与数学科学学院: computing and mathematical sciences湖北大学数学与计算机科学学院: mathematics and computer science college of hubei university科学和数学学院: school of science & mathematics数学科学: math/science; mathematical sciences数学学院: institute for experimental mathematics工学科学院: academy of engineering医学科学院: academy of medical sciences; academy of medicine科学学院: college of natural sciences; faculty of sciences; school of science克莱数学学院: clay mathematics institute克雷数学学院: clay mathematics institute计算和数学科学: computing and mathematical sciences计算机和数学科学: computing and mathematical sciences邵逸夫数学科学奖: shaw prize中小学教育-数学科学: bse in middle level mathematics science财务科学学院: school for financial sciences电脑科学学院: school of computer science健康科学学院: faculty of health science教育科学学院: school of education科学学院提供: the faculty of science offers three-year degree course in人文科学学院: faculty of humanities; humanities社会科学学院: faculty of social sciences