- close up
- 停歇: close down; stop doing busin ...
- 关门: close
- 停歇: 1.(歇业) close down; stop doing business2.(停止) stop; cease3.(停下来休息) stop for a rest; rest 部队在树林里停歇。 the troops rested in the woods
- 关门: 1.(停业) close 展览馆十七点半关门。 the exhibition centre closes at 17:30.2.(无商量余地) slam the door on sth.; refuse discussion or consideration 对方在谈判中还没有关门。 the other side hasn't yet slammed the door on further negotiations.3.(不愿容纳) behind closed doors 我们不能关门办报。 we must not run a newspaper behind closed doors.4.[穴位] guanmen (s 22); 关门主义 closed-doorism; close-door sectarianism; exclusionism
- 井停歇: well off