

  • close up
  • 停歇:    close down; stop doing busin ...
  • 关门:    close
  • 停歇:    1.(歇业) close down; stop doing business2.(停止) stop; cease3.(停下来休息) stop for a rest; rest 部队在树林里停歇。 the troops rested in the woods
  • 关门:    1.(停业) close 展览馆十七点半关门。 the exhibition centre closes at 17:30.2.(无商量余地) slam the door on sth.; refuse discussion or consideration 对方在谈判中还没有关门。 the other side hasn't yet slammed the door on further negotiations.3.(不愿容纳) behind closed doors 我们不能关门办报。 we must not run a newspaper behind closed doors.4.[穴位] guanmen (s 22); 关门主义 closed-doorism; close-door sectarianism; exclusionism
  • 井停歇:    well off


        停歇:    close down; stop doing busin ...
        关门:    close
        停歇:    1.(歇业) close down; stop doing business2.(停止) stop; cease3.(停下来休息) stop for a rest; rest 部队在树林里停歇。 the troops rested in the woods
        关门:    1.(停业) close 展览馆十七点半关门。 the exhibition centre closes at 17:30.2.(无商量余地) slam the door on sth.; refuse discussion or consideration 对方在谈判中还没有关门。 the other side hasn't yet slammed the door on further negotiations.3.(不愿容纳) behind closed doors 我们不能关门办报。 we must not run a newspaper behind closed doors.4.[穴位] guanmen (s 22); 关门主义 closed-doorism; close-door sectarianism; exclusionism
        井停歇:    well off
        停歇期:    blocked period
        关门器:    door check; door closer; gate closer
        关门桥:    kanmonkyo bridge
        内关门:    swing out
        外关门:    swing in
        夜关门:    cuneate lespedeza herb with root
        不活动停歇:    outage
        从动件停歇:    follower dwell
        计数器停歇:    counter blocked
        停机, 关机, 停歇:    close-down
        停歇点,中间站:    stage
        停歇时间:    dead time; down time; idle period; off time; pause period; standby time; standing time; unemployed time; ut
        停歇时间比:    downtime ratio
        停歇周期:    outage period
        心停歇感觉:    paulocardia
        意外停歇:    disorderly closedown
        震惊停歇:    shock stoppage
        整夜不停歇:    dj
        最小停歇:    minimum pause
        闭嘴,关门,打烊:    shut up


  1. "停弦渡"英文
  2. "停显"英文
  3. "停显液"英文
  4. "停想法"英文
  5. "停歇"英文
  6. "停歇点,中间站"英文
  7. "停歇机器时间"英文
  8. "停歇空载时间"英文
  9. "停歇期"英文
  10. "停歇时间"英文


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