



        意外:    unexpected; unforeseen
        停歇:    close down; stop doing busin ...
        意外停歇, 故障停机:    disorderly close-down
        意外停:    hangup; u rogrammed sto age; unprogrammed stoppage
        意外停靠, 意外停泊:    unscheduled call
        意外停泊:    contingent anchoring; unscheduled call
        意外停车:    involuntary stoppage
        意外停机:    contingent stop; hang-up
        意外停靠:    u cheduled call; unscheduled call
        意外停输:    unexpected shutdown
        意外停止:    unexpected halt
        中止;意外停机:    hang-up
        意外停机;拖延;中止:    hang-up
        意外停机预防:    hangup prevention
        意外停机, 意外中断:    unexpected halt
        意外停机的预防:    hang-uprevention
        外停:    outer stop
        停歇:    1.(歇业) close down; stop doing business2.(停止) stop; cease3.(停下来休息) stop for a rest; rest 部队在树林里停歇。 the troops rested in the woods
        意外:    1.(意料之外) unexpected; unforeseen 意外的消息 unexpected news; 感到意外 be taken by surprise2.(意外的不幸事件) accident; mishap 以免发生意外 so as to avoid accidents; 意外保险 accident insurance; casualty insurance; 意外变动 accidental fluctuation; 意外风波 unforeseen trouble; 意外碰撞 accidental collision; accident collision; 意外杀人 accidental homicide; 意外伤亡 fortuitous casualty; 意外事故死亡 accident death; 意外事故损害 accident damage;意外事件 accident; contingency; 意外收获 windfall; 意外损失 windfall loss; accidental damage; unexpected loss; 意外致死 death by misadventure
        井停歇:    well off
        停歇,关门:    close up
        停歇期:    blocked period
        额外停留期:    extra period of detention; extra-period of detention
        计划外停工:    unscheduled shutdown
        街外停车:    parking off-street


  1. "意外停机的预防"英文
  2. "意外停机预防"英文
  3. "意外停靠"英文
  4. "意外停靠, 意外停泊"英文
  5. "意外停输"英文
  6. "意外停歇, 故障停机"英文
  7. "意外停止"英文
  8. "意外脱开"英文
  9. "意外危机"英文
  10. "意外污染"英文


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