停歇: close down; stop doing busin ...时间: time; hour比: 2停歇时间: dead time; down time; idle period; off time; pause period; standby time; standing time; unemployed time; ut平均停歇时间: mean down time关机时间,停歇时间: off-time事故性停歇时间: outage time外滑块停歇时间: outer slide dwell修理停歇时间定额: downtime quota for equipment repair断开时间停歇时间停: off time设备管理停歇时间定额: downtime quota for equipment repair设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数): downtime quota for equipment repair时间比: time ratio; timeratio间歇时间: amount of rest; cool time; pause time; quench time; quiescent interval; time out of rolls间歇时间表: intermittent schedule工作时间比: working time ratio故障时间比: down time ratio开关时间比: on off ratio; on off time ratio; on-off ratio; on-off time ratio可用时间比: serviceability ratio控球时间比: ball possession percentage时间比较仪: chronocomparator; time comparator; time interval comparator时间比控制: time rate control时间比例尺: time scale ratio时间比率: time ratio停机时间比: downtime ratio