

[ zuòzéixīnxū ] 发音:   "做贼心虚"的汉语解释   用"做贼心虚"造句
  • a bad conscience is a snake in one’s heart
  • a bad custom is like a good cake better broken than kept
  • a guilty conscience needs no accuser
  • guilty consciences make man cowards
  • 内疚的, 做贼心虚的:    guilty-conscious
  • 作贼心虚:    have a guilty conscience, as [like] a thief; a guilty conscience is a self-accuser.; a thief has a guilty conscience.; betray [show; reveal] one's guilty conscience; one's guilty conscience always fears danger.; uneasy lies the head of someone with a guilty conscience.; with a guilty conscience
  • 贼心:    wicked heart; evil designs; evil intentions
  • 心虚:    1.(怕人知道) afraid of being found out; with a guilty conscience 做贼心虚 have a guilty conscience2.(缺乏自信心) lacking in self-confidence; diffident3.[医学] deficiency syndromes of the heart
  • 偷窃,做贼:    thieve


  1. She had a guilty look which immediately roused surmise in his mind .
  2. There was a gloomy and rather guilty silence in the company .
  3. He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it
    鼻子长得大,总怕有人说。 /做贼心虚
  4. A guilty conscience is a self - accuser
  5. S ; and , when napoleon returned to france , he , after the manner of mediocre minds , termed the coincidence , a decree of providence


        内疚的, 做贼心虚的:    guilty-conscious
        作贼心虚:    have a guilty conscience, as [like] a thief; a guilty conscience is a self-accuser.; a thief has a guilty conscience.; betray [show; reveal] one's guilty conscience; one's guilty conscience always fears danger.; uneasy lies the head of someone with a guilty conscience.; with a guilty conscience
        贼心:    wicked heart; evil designs; evil intentions
        心虚:    1.(怕人知道) afraid of being found out; with a guilty conscience 做贼心虚 have a guilty conscience2.(缺乏自信心) lacking in self-confidence; diffident3.[医学] deficiency syndromes of the heart
        偷窃,做贼:    thieve
        心虚证:    asthenic syndrome of heart; deficiency syndromes of the heart
        贼心不死:    not to give up one's gangster designs; press ahead with one's sinister designs; refuse to give up one's evil [sinister] designs
        一次做贼,永远做贼:    once a thief, always a thief
        一次做贼:    once a thief always a thief
        做贼不成:    a thief comes unstuck
        做贼一世:    once a thief always a thief; once bitten twice shy
        理亏心虚:    have a guilty conscience; become scared [diffident], knowing justice is not on one's side; feel apprehensive because one is not on solid ground; with a guilty conscience; with one's self-confidence crumbling [shrinking]
        心虚,心气虚:    cardiac deficiency
        心虚胆怯:    have a guilty conscience; apprehensive and cowardly; [医学] timidity due to insufficiency of qi and deficiency of blood of the heart
        心虚胆怯证:    syndrome of timidity due to deficiency of heart qi
        心虚寒证:    asthenic cold syndrome of heart
        心虚经闭:    amenorrhea with cardiac asthenia
        心虚热证:    asthenic heat syndrome of heart
        心虚自汗:    spontaneous sweating with cardiac asthenia
        贼胆心虚:    a guilty conscience needs no accuser.; have a guilty conscience
        还钱是心虚的:    but when to return is another problem / reluctant paying back is
        你看起来心虚:    you look guilty
        你看上去心虚:    you look guilty
        偷吃不肥,做贼不富:    No one grows fat or becomes rich by stealing.
        做摘要:    skeletonize; thumb-nail
        做早操:    do early f**k; do morning exercises


        做贼心虚的法语:ne pas avoir la conscience tranquille;le voleur craint toujours d'être appréhendé.
        做贼心虚的日语:〈成〉悪いことをする人はいつも後ろめたさを感じる.心がやましい人はいつもびくびくしている. 他们推 tuī 三阻 zǔ 四,正好暴露了他们做贼心虚/彼らがいろいろと言い訳をするのは,まさに彼らの後ろめたさを露呈している.
        做贼心虚的韩语:【성어】 도둑이 제 발 저리다. 他们推三阻四, 正好暴露了他们做贼心虚; 그들은 이 핑계 저 핑계 대는 가운데, 바로 도둑이 제 발이 저린 그들의 불안한 마음을 드러냈다 =[作贼心虚] →[不打自招] [不攻gōng自破]
        做贼心虚的俄语:[zuòzéi xīnxū] обр. на воре шапка горит; совесть нечиста
        做贼心虚什么意思:zuò zéi xīn xū 【解释】做贼的人心里虚。比喻做坏事的人疑神疑鬼,心神不宁 【出处】宋·释悟明《联灯会要·重显禅师》:“却顾侍者云:‘适来有人看方丈么?’侍者云:‘有。’师云:‘作贼人心虚。’” 【示例】曹禺《北京人》第一幕:“奇怪,你看这~的劲儿。我说你们怎么啦!” 【拼音码】zzxx 【灯谜面】老鼠算卦小偷不经吓 【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义 【英文】hav...


  1. "做杂务, 打杂"英文
  2. "做早"英文
  3. "做早餐"英文
  4. "做早操"英文
  5. "做贼不成"英文
  6. "做贼一世"英文
  7. "做摘要"英文
  8. "做摘要者"英文
  9. "做展"英文
  10. "做战领域"英文


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