做好事的人: well-doer做好事情: do the things right一辈子做好事: do good all one's life他宁愿悄悄做好事: he prefers to do good by stealth太急于做好事的人: he who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good以粗暴方式做好事: give pawith a hatchet有好处,有用处,做好事: do good主动为人们做好事: be active in doing good to men人不仅要做好事,更要以的方式做好事。: it is not enough to do good帮人的忙, 为某人做好事: come into favor; come into favour; come into kindness好事: 好事meddlesome; officious◇好事之徒 busybody以粗暴方式做好事, 假装让人尝甜: give pap with a hatchet做好: do things right; doing things right; sit up/well大好事: da hoss好事达: allstate完成, 做好: work it做好,完成: be through with (=finish with)做好的: readmade做好人: carl做好下: make everything ready for running 7”casing便宜是好事: treasure hunt-inside the mind of the new consumer好斗的, 好事的: combative好人好事: good personalities and good deeds; good people and good [exemplary] deeds; good people and good things; fine people and fine deeds 我们厂里, 好人好事的例子很多。 there are many instances of good people and good deeds in our factory好事不出: good news never goes beyond the gate while bad news spread做好使用准备的弹药: ready service ammunition做好文案,自然就能赢得顾客: build it and they will come
做好事的法语:accomplir une bonne action faire sa b.a. faire une b.a.做好事的韩语:(1)좋은 일을 하다. 자선을 행하다. (2)재(齋)를 올리다.做好事的俄语:сделать доброе дело做好事什么意思: 1. 谓请僧道举行斋醮之事以超度亡灵。 ▶ 元 无名氏 《度翠柳》楔子: “今年是 老柳 十周年, 请十众僧做好事。” ▶ 《三国志平话》卷下: “先主与 关公 做好事月馀。” 2. 做有益于人的事。