主动: initiative为人: behave; conduct oneself; beh ...做好事: do good; do a good deed做好事的人: well-doer做好事情: do the things right一辈子做好事: do good all one's life变被动为主动: regain the initiative你们做了一件好事: you have done a good thing他宁愿悄悄做好事: he prefers to do good by stealth太急于做好事的人: he who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good以粗暴方式做好事: give pawith a hatchet有好处,有用处,做好事: do good人不仅要做好事,更要以的方式做好事。: it is not enough to do good他们做好会战的准备: they are ready to fight a decisive battle帮人的忙, 为某人做好事: come into favor; come into favour; come into kindness写作:描写人们做事的方式一: wdescribingthewaypeopledothings在他的事迹的影响下,他们做了无数件好事。: influenced by his example,they performed countless good deeds好事: 好事meddlesome; officious◇好事之徒 busybody变得为人们所需要, 显得缺乏: come into request成为人们争着要的东西: become a stampede它为人们喜欢你,把它变成了: its for people like you that keeit turned on因为人们似乎不愿成全我: no one seems to let me be以粗暴方式做好事, 假装让人尝甜: give pap with a hatchet做好: do things right; doing things right; sit up/well为人: behave; conduct oneself; behaviour; conduct 为人正直 be upright; 他为人正派。 he is a man of decency