Mrs. kearney, with her husband and daughter, arrived at the ancient concert rooms three quarters of an hour before the time at which the concert was to begin . 卡尼太太偕同丈夫和女儿,在开幕前三刻钟抵达古典音乐厅。
Kutuzov and his suite were going back to the town 库图佐夫偕同侍从回到城里去。
Prince andrey rode after him with his suite 安德烈公爵偕同侍从们跟在他后面骑行。
His excellence is an upstart . i got him his place in the college , the old prince said huffily 法语:据我所听说的,是库拉金公爵大人偕同他的儿子。
At the beginning of the winter prince nikolay andreitch bolkonsky and his daughter moved to moscow 冬之初,尼古拉安德烈伊奇博尔孔斯基偕同女儿来到莫斯科。
偕同的法语:accompagné par;en compagnie d偕同的日语:…と共に.…といっしょに. 暑假 shǔjià 我偕同杨先生访问 fǎngwèn 了五、六个城市 chéngshì /夏休みに私は楊先生といっしょに5,6か所の都市を回ってきた.偕同的韩语:[동사] 동반하다. [주로 부사적으로 쓰여 ‘동반하여’·‘…와 함께’란 뜻을 나타냄] 他偕同夫人和子女回到久别的故乡; 그는 부인과 자녀들을 동반하여 오랫동안 떠났던 고향으로 돌아왔다偕同的俄语:[xiétóng] см. 偕偕同的印尼文:bersama-sama; secara bersama; 偕同什么意思:xiétóng 跟别人一起(到某处去):~前往。