

[ xiéxíng ] 发音:   "偕行"的汉语解释   用"偕行"造句


  1. Number of family members traveling with you
  2. One passport size photograph of applicant and separate photograph of each accompanied minor
  3. In case of changes of the information specified in the alien ' s residence permit such as name , purpose of residence , passport number and accompanying person , you must , within 10 days , apply for a new residence permit to the permit - issuing authority
  4. Founded in 1953 , the shun hing group is going from strength to strength after half a century of enterprising effort , and behind the grandeur of its success there is a moving story . it all began with a promise between the company and a foreign friend , which was brought to fruition through the collaborative efforts of a remarkable sino - japanese partnership . through lots of hard work and a readiness to move with the times the enterprise took off , and has since soared to the heights of business success
  5. Article 21 in case of any changes in the information written in an alien ' s residence card ( such as name , nationality , occupation , status , place of work , address , passport number and accompanying children ) , the holder of the card shall , within 10days , register such changes with the public security bureau at the place of his / her residence



        偕行的法语:aller de compagnie avec qn
        偕行的韩语:[동사]【문어】 (1)함께 가다. 같이 가다. (2)공존(共存)하다. 병립(竝立)하다.
        偕行的俄语:pinyin:xiéxíng вместе (с кем-л.) ехать (куда-л.); совместная поездка
        偕行什么意思:  1.  共存;并行。    ▶ 《易‧益》: “凡益之道, 与时偕行。”    ▶ 《庄子‧则阳》: “夫圣人未始有天, 未始有人, 未始有始, 未始有物, 与世偕行而不替。”    ▶ 成玄英 疏: “混同人事, 与世并行, 接物随时, 曾无废阙。”    2.  ...


  1. "偕日年"英文
  2. "偕日升"英文
  3. "偕日升 偕日升"英文
  4. "偕三氯叔丁醇"英文
  5. "偕同"英文
  6. "偕行家庭成员数"英文
  7. "偕行人数"英文
  8. "偕亚氨醇盐"英文
  9. "偕亚氨醚"英文
  10. "偕亚氨醚,亚氨酸酯"英文


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