使: send; tell sb. to do sth.染: dye上: upper; up; upward染上: acquire/gain/contract/develop; catch/contract使染麦角病: ergotize感染上: be infected with; be/ become infected with染上(习惯): get into使染成木纹色: engrain被传染上: be / become infected with被染上、患上: be stricken down能染上颜色: be able to be dyed染上爱滋病: to contract aids染上的习惯: get into the habit of染上恶习: fall into evil ways染上坏习惯: pick ua bad habit染上疾病: go down with; went down with染上了流感: have caught the flucontract influenza acquiresoilcontaminate染上伤风: catch a cold染上鼠疫: catch the plague染上滋病毒: infected with hiv染,把…染上颜色: dye v. color, usu. by dipping in a liquid染上爱滋病毒: size=3]infected with hiv染上了枯萎病: be attacked by a blight; beattackedbyablight染上一种疾病: to contract a disease不知不觉地沾染上…: slide into