染: dye上: upper; up; upward滋: grow; multiply; procreate病毒: virus; inframicrobe染上爱滋病毒: size=3]infected with hiv染上爱滋病: to contract aids艾滋病病毒: aids virus; hiv; human immunodeficiency virus; vih艾滋病毒: hivi; human immunodeficiency virus; vih爱滋病病毒: human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)爱滋病毒: aids virus; fiv; hiv染上: acquire/gain/contract/develop; catch/contract艾滋病毒案例: hiv cases艾滋病毒感染: hiv infection艾滋病毒试验: hiv test国际艾滋病毒: international conference on hiv-aids and sexually transmitted diseases艾滋病和艾滋病毒感染: aids and hiv infection: information for united nations employees and their families艾滋病毒带原者: hiv carriers艾滋病毒感染者: hiv-infected individuals艾滋病相关病毒: aids-related virus病毒与艾滋病文摘: virology and aids abstracts感染爱滋病病毒: contracting hiv/test positive for hiv/have tested hiv-positive/are infected with hiv全球合约艾滋病毒: global compact policy dialogue on hiv/aids他携带爱滋病病毒: he carries the aids virus沾染有艾滋病毒的: aids―tainted沾染有爱滋病毒的: aids tainted