被: quilt传染: infect; be contagious; commu ...上: upper; up; upward被传染的: infected他传染上感冒了: he's caught cold染上: acquire/gain/contract/develop; catch/contract避免染上经性接触传染的疾病: avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases被传入: be introduced into被传送: be transmitted感染上: be infected with; be/ become infected with染上(习惯): get into使染上: infect传染: (感染; 浸染) infect; be contagious; communicate; contagion; contagious infection 接触传染 contagion; contagious infection; 空气传染 infection through air; 水传染 waterborne infection; 鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人。 rat-fleas communicate a disease to man. 这病不传染。 this disease is not contagious [infectious].; 传染病院 hospital for infectious diseases; 传染疾病 communicate illness; 传染期 infective stage; 传染途径 avenue [routes] of infection; 传染物 infective agent; 传染原因 cause of infection; 传染源 source of infection被传到庭: be called to the stand被传唤到庭: appeared in response to a summons被传唤作证: be summoned as a witness被传杀出局: throw out可被传播的: diffusible敏化被传递: passive transfer被染上、患上: be stricken down能染上颜色: be able to be dyed染上爱滋病: to contract aids染上的习惯: get into the habit of染上恶习: fall into evil ways染上坏习惯: pick ua bad habit