他: he偷: steal; pilfer; burglarize; m ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...她的: her; hers钱: copper coin; cash犯人供认他偷了珠宝: the prisoner confressel to stealing the jewels救了她的女儿: save her daughter猜透了她的心思: read her mind超出了她的能力: a difficult part却彻底动摇了她的: mr.big使她献出了她的爱: for to gaze awhile损毁了她的外形: like the ones who disfigured her她说了她的名字叫: says they call her out by her name医生治好了她的病: the doctor straightened out her trouble. wipe out他抢走了她所有的钱: he robbed her of all her money猜吧,是什么断送了她的生命: guess, who gave his life away she did it every day春风掀动了她的衣襟: the spring breeze lifted the edge of her blouse但她改变了她的命运: but shell have changed her destiny所以请了她的母亲转告: so to her mother tommy said他伤了她的心的时候: where he's breaking her heart他以微笑解除了她的窘态: he smiled away her embarrassment为了她的生命而奔跑: running for her life我们明白了她的心意: we understood her intention一种新药医好了她的病: she was cured with a new medicine用水浇透了她的杰克杉: pour water over her jacket