

发音:   用"他头脑简单"造句
  • he is simple-minded
  • :    he
  • 头脑简单:    be light in the head; head o ...
  • 头脑简单:    be light in the head; head of a moron; simple-minded 头脑简单, 四肢发达 well-developed limbs but head of a moron
  • 头脑简单的:    shallow-brained; shallow-pated; shallowheaded
  • 头晕, 头脑简单:    be light in the head


  1. Poor robin, though a good boy, was simple .
  2. Asked miss cathy seriously ; or is he simple : not right
    凯蒂小姐严肃地问道。 “或者他头脑简单不对吗?
  3. He is simple - minded


        :    he
        头脑简单:    be light in the head; head o ...
        头脑简单:    be light in the head; head of a moron; simple-minded 头脑简单, 四肢发达 well-developed limbs but head of a moron
        头脑简单的:    shallow-brained; shallow-pated; shallowheaded
        头晕, 头脑简单:    be light in the head
        四肢发达,头脑简单:    have well-developed limbs but a moronic head
        四肢发达头脑简单:    have well developed limbs but a moronic head
        头脑简单,四肢发达:    well-developed limbs but head of a moron
        头脑简单的打字员:    a simple typist
        头脑简单四肢发达:    well developed limbs but head of a moron
        头脑简单的, 知识浅薄的:    shallow-headed
        头脑简单的农村少年:    an arcadian youth
        头脑简丹:    simple minded
        头脑简丹的:    simple-minded
        大生的,朴素的,幼稚的,头脑简单的人:    naif,ve adj.,n
        乡巴佬, 头脑简单的农村少年, 土包子:    an arcadian youth
        奉承已使他头脑发昏:    flattery has turned his head
        笨蛋, 头脑简得的人, -计算机行话:    kiss of life
        头脑:    1.(思维能力) brains; mind 头脑不清 mixed-up; muddle-headed; 很有头脑 have plenty of brains; have a mind of one's own; 有数学头脑 have a head for mathematics; 不用头脑 not use one's head; 胜利冲昏头脑 get dizzy with success; be carried away by success2.(头绪) main threads; clue 摸不着头脑 cannot make head or tail of sth.3.[口语] (首领) head; leader
        简单:    1.(不复杂) simple; uncomplicated; plain; simplicity 构造简单 simple in structure; 头脑简单 simple-minded; seeing things too simply; 学习简单明了地讲话 learn to speak plain; 一项简单的工作 a straightforward job; 事情没那么简单。 there is more to it.2.(平凡, 多用否定式) commonplace; ordinary 不简单 not simple; fairly complicated; remarkable; 她的枪法那么好, 真不简单。 she's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy.3.(草率; 不细致) oversimplified; casual 简单从事 do things in a casual [perfunctory] way; 简单地看问题 take a naive view; oversimplify a problem; 不能用简单的方法去解决这个问题。 this matter cannot be settled in a summary fashion. 这篇文章我只是简单地看了看。 i only skimmed through this article.; 简单多数 simple majority; 简单方法 straightforward procedure; 简单结构 simple structure; 简单商品经济 simple commodity economy; 简单事件 simple event; 简单条件 simple condition; 简单条件表达式 simple conditional expression; 简单协作 simple coordination; 简单语句 simple statement; 简单运动 simple motion; 简单再生产 simple reproduction; steady reproduction
        他头痛的厉害:    he's got a bad headache
        口头脑:    upper storey
        没头脑:    flfl; mindlessness
        死头脑:    block-head
        头脑,机智:    savvy


  1. "他偷了她的钱"英文
  2. "他偷走了我的金表"英文
  3. "他偷走了我的所有宝藏"英文
  4. "他投敌了"英文
  5. "他投入"英文
  6. "他头痛的厉害"英文
  7. "他头一沾枕头就着"英文
  8. "他突然勃发做某事的念头"英文
  9. "他突然在晚会上出现了。"英文
  10. "他图斯"英文


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