

发音:   "亏心事"的汉语解释   用"亏心事"造句
  • sth. which gives one a guilty conscience


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  1. You have never done one single thing in all your life to be ashamed ofnot one .
  2. A good conscience is a continual feast
  3. Don ' t do bad thing so do not afraid ghost
  4. A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound
  5. A guilty conscience feel continual fear


        不做亏心事:    a good conscience is a soft pillow; a good fame is better than a good face
        不作亏心事:    do the right thing
        做亏心事:    do sth. with a bad conscience
        白日不做亏心事:    a good conscience is a continual feast; a ragged coat may cover an honest man
        婚前不做亏心事:    very bad things
        平时不做亏心事:    a cook is bold on his own dunghill
        不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门:    a good conscience is a soft pillow
        没做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门:    Do nothing wrong,and no ghost will knock at your door.
        没做亏心事不怕鬼叫门:    do nothing wrong and no ghost will knock at your door
        她好像做了什么亏心事:    she behaves as if she has something on her conscience
        亏心:    have a bad [guilty] conscience; go against conscience 亏心事 a deed that troubles one's conscience; discreditable affair; matter for remorse; sth. which gives one a guilty conscience; 做亏心事 do sth. with a bad conscience; 白天不做亏心事, 夜里不怕鬼敲门。 a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. 她好像做了什么亏心事。 she behaves as if she has something on her conscience
        白日不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊:    One who hasn't done anything against conscience during the day needs not to be scared by the knocks at the door at midnight.A quiet conscience sleeps in the midst of thunder.A good conscience is a soft pillow.A clear conscience is a sure card.A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.A clear hand wants no washing.A good conscience is a constant feast.
        白日不做亏心事半夜敲门心不惊:    a clear conscience is a sure card
        白天不做亏心事夜里不怕鬼敲门:    a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder
        平时做亏心事 夜半敲门心不惊:    a clear conscience can bear any trouble
        生平不作亏心事,夜半敲门不吃惊:    If all your life you have had a clear conscience,you need not fear a knock at the door at midnight.
        生平不作亏心事,夜半敲门不吃惊:    if all your life you have had a clear conscience, you need not fear a knock at the door at midnight
        为人不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门:    a clear conscience is a sure card
        心事:    sth. weighing on one's mind; a load on one's mind; worry 好像有什么心事似的 seem to have sth. on one's mind; 了结一桩心事 take a load off one's mind; 说明心事 disclose [say; speak; tell] one's mind; 我把我的心事告诉了他。 i told him of what was on my heart. 我国人民有两件心事。 there are two matters of great concern to our people
        窥心事:    in the bedroom; what the butler saw
        伤心事:    sore spot; old sore; painful memory; grief 只要你不提起他的伤心事, 他是没有什么的。 he will be all right so long as you don't touch his sore spot
        有心事:    have sth on one's mind
        理亏心怯:    be in the wrong
        理亏心虚:    have a guilty conscience; become scared [diffident], knowing justice is not on one's side; feel apprehensive because one is not on solid ground; with a guilty conscience; with one's self-confidence crumbling [shrinking]
        亏虚,亏损:    depletion
        亏月:    waning moon


        亏心事的法语:un poids sur la conscienc
        亏心事的日语:うしろめたいこと 後 ろめたいこと
        亏心事什么意思:违背良心的事;问心有愧的事。    ▶ 《醒世恒言‧十五贯戏言成巧祸》: “你日间不作亏心事, 半夜敲门不吃惊。”    ▶ 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈‧谈异三‧陶松云》: “凡人作亏心事, 一事则神缩一寸。”    ▶ 清 李渔 《风筝误‧拒奸》: “为人不作亏心事, 鬼神何足惧哉。”    ▶ 《作家》...


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