English is a bridge to so much knowledge 英语是通向如此丰富知识的桥梁。
Deep knowledge and insight of the china internet market 对中国互联网市场的深度了解和丰富知识
The course is base on a high level , to train the high quality graduate student with knowledge and creativity 教学起点为国内领先及国际先进,任务是培养具备丰富知识及开拓性的高素质人才。
Students are able work with a wide range of the university s staff that have expertise in urban and environmental issues 中心之职员对城市及环境事宜拥有丰富知识,为学生提供多元化的学习经验。
As a result , several myr maize and soybean projects were begun , all of which contributed additional knowledge to production requirements for higher yields 结果开始了几项玉米和大豆最高产量研究,所有这些项目都提供了高产生产需要的更丰富知识。