知识: knowledge; know-how; science是否: whether or not; whether; if丰富: abundant; ample; aplenty; ri ...知识是无价的: knowledge is priceless知识是精神食粮: knowledge is the food of the soul知识是没有穷尽的: knowledge knows no bounds知识是心灵的慧眼: learning is the eye of the mind知识是一座宝库: mistakes are an essential part of education丰富的知识: fund of knowledge; intimate knowledge丰富知识: enrich one's knowledge知识丰富: a. breadth of general knowledge知识丰富的: knowledgeability知识是精神食粮。 柏拉图: knowledge is the food of the soul . plato丰富的知识源泉: a rich source of information提供丰富知识的: giving much useful information有见识的,知识丰富的: knowledgeable他的知识是长期求学的结果: his knowledge is the fruit of long study知识是可以用来掌握和改变世界的工具: knowledge is a tool taht can be used to control and change the world知识是一件事,美德又是另一件事了: knowledge is one thing, virtue is another丰富: 1.(种类多; 数量大) abundant; ample; aplenty; rich; plentiful 丰富的经验 rich experience; 资源丰富 rich in natural resources; 她的想象力非常丰富。 she has plenty of imagination.2.(使丰富) enrich 丰富知识 enrich one's knowledge; 丰富文娱生活 provide enriched cultural and recreational activities; 通过广泛阅读来丰富词汇 enrich one's vocabulary by reading extensively是否: whether or not; whether; if 是否符合实际 whether or not it corresponds to reality学识是照: learning is the light that leads into everything lovely对软件开发和电信运营有丰富的经验和知识: knowledge and experience of software development and telecom operations is a plus知识: 1.(认识和经验的总和) knowledge; know-how; science 知识更新 update one's knowledge; the advancement of one's knowledge; 知识化 、专业化 become knowledgeable and professional; 知识就是力量。 knowledge is power.2.(有关学术文化的) pertaining to learning or culture; intellectual; 知识爆炸 knowledge explosion; 知识产业 knowledge industry; 知识场 knowledge field; 知识工程 knowledge engineering; 知识工业 knowledge industry; 知识构成 knowledge composition; 知识获取 knowledge acquisition; 知识结构 structure of knowledge; 知识价值 value of knowledge; 知识阶层 stratum of intellectual; 知识界 intellectual circles; the intelligentsia; 知识库 knowledge base; 知识密集型经济 knowledge-intensive economy; 知识水平 know-how; 知识体系 knowledge hierarchy; 知识信息 knowledge information; 知识职业 knowledge occupation; 知识专家 knowledge professional; 知识转让 transfer of knowledge …富于,…丰富: be abundant in