Each villus is richly supplied with blood which passes through a network of tiny tubes called capillaries . 血液流过称为微血管的毛细血管网,丰富地供应给每一根绒毛。
He used the luxuriantly white wings of the swan 他丰富地使用了白天鹅的翅膀
Most physicians attended medical school before this technology began being published so profusely 答:大部份医师念医学院的时候,醣质科技尚未开始丰富地发表。
However , soap allows for a richer use of xml to encode and serialize complex data structures such as classes 但是, soap允许更丰富地使用xml ,以对复杂数据结构(例如类)进行编码和序列化。
The mummies represent a wide spectrum of inca life , from infants to the elderly and from the very poor to the very rich 这些木乃伊有老有少,有贫有富,丰富地展示了印加人生活的各个方面。