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        :    a block of wood
        近便:    close and convenient; close ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        近便的:    convenient
        交通近便的旅馆:    hotels convenient of access
        近便:    close and convenient; close at hand 交通近便的旅馆 hotels convenient of access; 这儿乘电车很近便。 this place is close and convenient to the street-car. 咱们找个近便的饭馆吃点吧。 let's have a snack at the nearest restaurant
        咱们找个近便的饭馆吃点吧:    let's have a snack at the nearest restaurant
        不近情理:    unreasonableirrational
        不近人情:    be beneath the human character; be unreasonable; not amenable to reason
        不近人情的:    unkind
        不近人情地:    unkindly
        靠不近的爱:    closer
        不便的:    disadvantageous; incommodious; inconvenient; inexpedient
        方便的:    advantageous; commodious; conv ― convenient; convenient a. suited to one‘s needs; expedient; expedite; handy; ref reference; useful
        粪便的:    excrementaceous; excrementitious; faecal; fecal; feculent; scatologic; skatlogic
        简便的:    convenient; ready
        灵便的:    agile; handy; nimble
        轻便的:    handheld; handy; light; portative; ready; transportable
        任便的:    disposable
        随便的:    casual; familiar; free and easy; licentious; randomly; throwaway; unceremonious; unmannered
        通便的:    aperient; cathartic; laxative; purgative
        近便购买的日用品:    convenience items
        这儿乘电车很近便:    this place is close and convenient to the street car
        搬运不便的:    ponderous
        半轻便的:    semi-portable


  1. "不禁心怵惕"英文
  2. "不禁哑然失笑"英文
  3. "不禁一惊"英文
  4. "不禁一笑"英文
  5. "不禁潸然泪下"英文
  6. "不近情理"英文
  7. "不近人情"英文
  8. "不近人情的"英文
  9. "不近人情地"英文
  10. "不浸漆金属膜纸介电容器"英文


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