

发音:   用"不近人情的"造句


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  1. It was not in human nature not to admire him .
  2. It is unnatural for brothers to be at variance .
  3. It would be cruel to begrudge your sojourn among flowers and fields .
  4. Pen was bewildered with wonder, perplexity, fury, at this monstrous and unreasonable persecution .
  5. To me , there is something inhuman , something callous and almost bovine , in the practice


        不近人情:    not amenable to reason; unre ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        不近人情:    be beneath the human character; be unreasonable; not amenable to reason
        不近人情地:    unkindly
        不自然的,反常的,不近人情的:    unnatural
        最近人情的:    the most human
        通人情的:    human
        有人情的:    humane
        不涉人情的关系:    impersonal relation
        有人情的, 人道的, 仁慈的:    humane
        有人情的,好心肠的:    human
        近人:    1.(近代或现代人) modern man; modern2.(跟自己关系比较近的人) a person with whom one has an intimate [a direct personal] relation3.[考古] (迩人) plesianthropus
        人情:    1.(人之常情) human feelings; human sympathy; sensibilities 不近人情 not amenable to reason; unreasonable2.(情面) human relationship 人情之常 natural and normal; a constant occurrence in human relationship3.(恩惠) favour 空头人情 lip service; 托人情 ask sb. to do sth. as a personal favour; 做个人情 do sb. a favour4.(礼物) gift; present 送人情 send gifts; make a gift of sth.; 人情味 human touch; human interest; the milk of human kindness
        不近便的:    unavailable
        不近情理:    unreasonableirrational
        靠不近的爱:    closer
        和易近人:    mild and easy of approach
        江清月近人:    while my little boat moves on its mooring of mist
        平易近人:    amiable and easy of approach; be simple and easy to approach; (as) common as an old shoe; easily approachable; easy to get along with 他虽然是个名作家, 却平易近人。 although he is a famous writer, he is still as common as an old shoe
        随和、平易近人:    easy-going
        人情人情,在人情愿:    A favour should be given according to one's own desire.Presents are made when people are on a friendly footing.
        人情人情在人情愿:    a favour should be given according to one's own desire
        卖人情:    do sb. a special favour
        人情况:    personal information
        人情味:    farewell; human interest; the milk of human kindness



  1. "不禁一笑"英文
  2. "不禁潸然泪下"英文
  3. "不近便的"英文
  4. "不近情理"英文
  5. "不近人情"英文
  6. "不近人情地"英文
  7. "不浸漆金属膜纸介电容器"英文
  8. "不浸润的 不能浸润的"英文
  9. "不浸透性"英文
  10. "不浸透性石墨"英文


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