

[ bùzhījìntuì ] 发音:   "不知进退"的汉语解释   用"不知进退"造句
  • (没有分寸) have no sense of propriety; not know where to stop
  • 不知进退非真勇:    there is no point in taking unnecessary risks
  • 方寸之间知进退:    so we know where we stand
  • 进退:    1.(进和退) advance and retreat 进退出没 withdraw attack or take cover2.(分寸) sense of propriety 不知进退 have no sense of propriety
  • 不知为何我被夹在中间进退两难:    somehow i got caught been between
  • 不知:    1.(不知道) not to know; have no idea of; be ignorant of; be in the dark; be all at sea; know nothing about; be the last person to know; be not aware of; without the knowledge of; be beyond sb.; not to hear about; it beats me.; not to have a clue 不知底细 not know the inside story; 不知如何是好 not know which way to look;不知世事 know nothing about what is going on in the world2.(表示疑问或请求) wonder if 不知你是否可以告诉我 ...。 i wonder if you can tell me ..


        不知进退非真勇:    there is no point in taking unnecessary risks
        方寸之间知进退:    so we know where we stand
        进退:    1.(进和退) advance and retreat 进退出没 withdraw attack or take cover2.(分寸) sense of propriety 不知进退 have no sense of propriety
        不知为何我被夹在中间进退两难:    somehow i got caught been between
        不知:    1.(不知道) not to know; have no idea of; be ignorant of; be in the dark; be all at sea; know nothing about; be the last person to know; be not aware of; without the knowledge of; be beyond sb.; not to hear about; it beats me.; not to have a clue 不知底细 not know the inside story; 不知如何是好 not know which way to look;不知世事 know nothing about what is going on in the world2.(表示疑问或请求) wonder if 不知你是否可以告诉我 ...。 i wonder if you can tell me ..
        海面进退:    eustasy; eustatism
        渐进退覆:    progressive offlap
        进退出没:    withdraw attack or take cover sense of propriety
        进退函数:    further function
        进退机构:    driving and reversing mechanism
        进退两难:    be in [get into] a nice hobble; be between two fires; be caught in a dilemma; be difficult to proceed or draw back; be equally difficult to go on or retreat; be in a dilemma; be on the horns of a dilemma; between the devil and the deep (blue) sea; be unable to advance and unable to retreat; can neither make nor unmake it; it is hard to go forward and hard also to retreat.; it is impossible either to advance or retreat.; stand at bay; there will be difficulty in deciding whether to proceed or retire.; to advance or recede is equally difficult.; to go on is hard and to return is equally so.: 正在进退两难的当口, 我们帮他们下了决心。 at this moment of indecision, we help them make up their minds. 你真叫我有点进退两难。 you place me in sth. of a dilemma
        进退两难的:    crag-fast
        进退失据:    equally difficult to go on or retreat; be kept in the air
        进退维谷:    be in a fix [dilemma; quandary]; be at a nonplus [plunge]; be hard put to it (for); be in a cleft stick; be locked in the horns of a dilemma; be on [between] the horns of a dilemma; be thrown into a dilemma; between the devil and the deep sea; be up a tree; difficult either to advance or draw back; remain in a very undecided state; stick in the mud 反动当局弄得进退维谷, 不得人心。 the reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited
        进退无路:    have no alternative
        进退虚晃步:    rocker fake
        进退虚幌步:    rocker step
        进退装置:    driving and reversing mechanism
        进退自如:    proceed or step back freely; be free to advance or retreat; have room for manoeuvre
        困境,进退两难:    dilemma
        累进退休金:    are related to the amount of salary earned
        前进退覆:    progressive offlap
        使进退不得:    stick
        使进退两难:    kesb. in the air
        不知几许:    no one can tell how much
        不知就里:    not to know the inside story; not to know the inner reason


        不知进退的日语:〈成〉(行いや言葉遣いの)ほどを知らない. 这个人不知进退/この人は分をわきまえない.
        不知进退的韩语:【성어】 진퇴를 모르다; 언행이 멋대로이다. 분수를 모르다.
        不知进退的俄语:pinyin:bùzhījìntuì оказаться беспомощным, не суметь ничего сделать; не знать, что делать (как себя вести); ни взад ни вперёд; ни туда ни сюда
        不知进退什么意思:bù zhī jìn tuì 【解释】不知道应当前进还是应当后退。比喻无决断。也形容言语行动没有分寸。 【出处】宋·洪迈《容斋续笔》卷十一:“慕容绍宗挫败侯景,一时将帅皆莫及,而围攻颖川,不知进退,赴水而死。” 【示例】他们已经多嫌着我呢!如今我还~,何苦叫他们咒我?(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十五回) 【拼音码】bzjt 【灯谜面】一只脚塌在门槛上 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语;形容鲁莽...


  1. "不知火舞"英文
  2. "不知机变"英文
  3. "不知几时咱们能再见面"英文
  4. "不知几时咱们能再见面!"英文
  5. "不知几许"英文
  6. "不知进退非真勇"英文
  7. "不知就里"英文
  8. "不知觉"英文
  9. "不知觉的"英文
  10. "不知觉地过"英文


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