不知: not to know; have no idea of ...为何: why; for what reason我: I; my; me被: quilt夹: double-layered; lined在: exist; be living中间: among; between进退两难: difficult to advance or to r ...进退两难: be in [get into] a nice hobble; be between two fires; be caught in a dilemma; be difficult to proceed or draw back; be equally difficult to go on or retreat; be in a dilemma; be on the horns of a dilemma; between the devil and the deep (blue) sea; be unable to advance and unable to retreat; can neither make nor unmake it; it is hard to go forward and hard also to retreat.; it is impossible either to advance or retreat.; stand at bay; there will be difficulty in deciding whether to proceed or retire.; to advance or recede is equally difficult.; to go on is hard and to return is equally so.: 正在进退两难的当口, 我们帮他们下了决心。 at this moment of indecision, we help them make up their minds. 你真叫我有点进退两难。 you place me in sth. of a dilemma进退两难的: crag-fast困境,进退两难: dilemma使进退两难: kesb. in the air不知为何: don't know why; je ne sais pas pourquoi; somehow夹在中间的: interjacent; intervening处境困难, 进退两难: in a fix腹背受敌, 进退两难: between scylla and charybdis进退两难;左右为难: between a rock and a hard place骑虎难下, 进退两难: hold a wolf by the ears我变的进退两难: been caught in comprimising situations,在困境中, 进退两难: up the pole夹在中间的人: the man between处于进退两难的境地: in a dilemma处于困境的, 进退两难的: stranded处在进退两难的境地: be in a dilemma你真叫我有点进退两难: you place me in sth. of a dilemma