Involucrum is a layer of new bone growth outside existing bone seen in pyogenic osteomyelitis. It results from the stripping off of the periosteum by the accumulation of pus within the bone, and new bone growing from the periosteum.
involucrumとは意味:involucrum 骨柩[医生]; 鞘[医生]; 被膜[医生]; 包被[医生] involucrum meaning: noun 1. An involucre 2. A growth of new bone enclosing a mass of infected or dead bone in osteomyelitis (medicine)involucrum en francais:n. revêtement membraneux, folioles sous une ombelleinvolucrum 뜻:noun, INVOLUCREinvolucrum перевод:1) _лат. _анат. покров, оболочка 2) _лат. _бот. обвертка соцветия 3) _лат. _бот. покрывальце (у зонтичных и т. п.)