



  1. Outer Calyx or Involucrum .  Fig . 2.
  2. The head of the first phalanx of the third toe also contained a possible involucrum.
  3. At the same time as this, new bone is forming ( known as involucrum ).
  4. Sometimes the involucrum is penetrated by channels ( cloacae ) through which pus drains to the skin or mouth.
  5. Openings in this involucrum allow debris and exudates ( including pus ) to pass from the sequestrum via sinus tracts to the skin.
  6. It's difficult to find involucrum in a sentence. 用involucrum造句挺难的
  7. Open surgery is needed for chronic osteomyelitis, whereby the involucrum is opened and the sequestrum is removed or sometimes saucerization can be done.
  8. This brood chamber is surrounded by layers of cerumen, called the involucrum, which helps maintain a constant climate in the brood chamber.
  9. Small sections of necrotic bone may be resorbed completely, and larger segments may become surrounded by granulation tissue and new bone ( an involucrum ).
  10. The brood chamber is surrounded by the involucrum, which is a multilayered envelope . " T . hockingsi " constructs brood combs during the Provisioning and Ovipositioning Process ( POP ).
  11. Neither the skull nor the dentition of pakicetids resemble those of modern whales, but the sigmoid process, involucrum, pachyostotic ( compact ) and rotated ossicles of their ears still reveal their cetacean nature.
  12. The nest cavity consists of two parts : a well-developed involucrum, surrounding a nest consisting of several layers of horizontally arranged combs, and outside the involucrum, which house a number of food pots.
  13. The nest cavity consists of two parts : a well-developed involucrum, surrounding a nest consisting of several layers of horizontally arranged combs, and outside the involucrum, which house a number of food pots.
  14. And this creates a functional identity between the philosophic imagination and instinct, as those who have the first, " . . . feel in their own spirits the same instinct, which impels the chrysallis of the horned fly to leave room in its involucrum for antennae yet to come.
  15. The order of the activities workers perform can be divided into stages : ( 1 ) self grooming during the first few hours after emergence from the pupae, ( 2 ) incubation and brood chamber repairs, ( 3 ) construction and provisioning of cells, nest cleaning, and feeding young adults and the queen, ( 4 ) nest cleaning, reconstruction of the involucrum, nectar maintenance, and guarding the nest and ( 5 ) collection of pollen, nectar, and propolis.
  16. Among Waldenburg's many works : " De Origine et Structura Membranarum, Qu?in Tuberculis Capsulisque Verminosis Involucrum Pr鎎ent ", a prize essay at the University of Berlin, 1859; " Ueber Blutaustritt und Aneurysmenbildung, Durch Parasiten Bedingt ", in " Archiv f黵 Anatomie und Physiologie ", 1860; " Ueber Structur und Ursprung der Wurmhaltigen Cysten ", in " Archiv f黵 Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und f黵 Klinische Medizin ", 1862; " Lehrbuch der Respiratorischen Therapie ", Berlin, 1864 ( 2d ed . 1872 ); " Die Tuberkulose, die Lungenschwindsucht und Scrofulose ", ib . 1869; and " Die Pneumatische Behandlung der Respirations-und Circulations-Krankheiten ", ib . 1875 ( 2d ed . 1880 ).


  1. "involucratus"造句
  2. "involucre"造句
  3. "involucred"造句
  4. "involucres"造句
  5. "involucrin"造句
  6. "involuntarily"造句
  7. "involuntarily unemployed"造句
  8. "involuntariness"造句
  9. "involuntarinesses"造句
  10. "involuntary"造句

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