- Outer Calyx or Involucrum . Fig . 2.
- The head of the first phalanx of the third toe also contained a possible involucrum.
- At the same time as this, new bone is forming ( known as involucrum ).
- Sometimes the involucrum is penetrated by channels ( cloacae ) through which pus drains to the skin or mouth.
- Openings in this involucrum allow debris and exudates ( including pus ) to pass from the sequestrum via sinus tracts to the skin.
- It's difficult to find involucrum in a sentence. 用involucrum造句挺难的
- Open surgery is needed for chronic osteomyelitis, whereby the involucrum is opened and the sequestrum is removed or sometimes saucerization can be done.
- This brood chamber is surrounded by layers of cerumen, called the involucrum, which helps maintain a constant climate in the brood chamber.
- Small sections of necrotic bone may be resorbed completely, and larger segments may become surrounded by granulation tissue and new bone ( an involucrum ).
- The brood chamber is surrounded by the involucrum, which is a multilayered envelope . " T . hockingsi " constructs brood combs during the Provisioning and Ovipositioning Process ( POP ).
- Neither the skull nor the dentition of pakicetids resemble those of modern whales, but the sigmoid process, involucrum, pachyostotic ( compact ) and rotated ossicles of their ears still reveal their cetacean nature.
- The nest cavity consists of two parts : a well-developed involucrum, surrounding a nest consisting of several layers of horizontally arranged combs, and outside the involucrum, which house a number of food pots.
- The nest cavity consists of two parts : a well-developed involucrum, surrounding a nest consisting of several layers of horizontally arranged combs, and outside the involucrum, which house a number of food pots.
- And this creates a functional identity between the philosophic imagination and instinct, as those who have the first, " . . . feel in their own spirits the same instinct, which impels the chrysallis of the horned fly to leave room in its involucrum for antennae yet to come.
- The order of the activities workers perform can be divided into stages : ( 1 ) self grooming during the first few hours after emergence from the pupae, ( 2 ) incubation and brood chamber repairs, ( 3 ) construction and provisioning of cells, nest cleaning, and feeding young adults and the queen, ( 4 ) nest cleaning, reconstruction of the involucrum, nectar maintenance, and guarding the nest and ( 5 ) collection of pollen, nectar, and propolis.
- Among Waldenburg's many works : " De Origine et Structura Membranarum, Qu?in Tuberculis Capsulisque Verminosis Involucrum Pr鎎ent ", a prize essay at the University of Berlin, 1859; " Ueber Blutaustritt und Aneurysmenbildung, Durch Parasiten Bedingt ", in " Archiv f黵 Anatomie und Physiologie ", 1860; " Ueber Structur und Ursprung der Wurmhaltigen Cysten ", in " Archiv f黵 Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und f黵 Klinische Medizin ", 1862; " Lehrbuch der Respiratorischen Therapie ", Berlin, 1864 ( 2d ed . 1872 ); " Die Tuberkulose, die Lungenschwindsucht und Scrofulose ", ib . 1869; and " Die Pneumatische Behandlung der Respirations-und Circulations-Krankheiten ", ib . 1875 ( 2d ed . 1880 ).