involucreとは意味:{名} : 被膜{ひまく}、包被{ほうひ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】i'nvэl(j)u`:kэ(r)、【分節】in?vo?lu?cre involucre meaning: Noun: involucre 'invu`looku(r) A highly conspicuous bract or bract pair or ring of bracts at the base of an inflorescence Derived forms: involucres See also: involucrate ...involucre en francais:n. involucre, ensemble de bractées formant une collerette (botanique); enveloppe membraneuseinvolucre 뜻:noun, (해)피막, 포피, 총포involucre перевод:1) _анат. покров, оболочка 2) _бот. обвертка соцветия 3) _бот. покрывальце (у зонтичных и т. п.)