1. 迷恋一个女医生 display infatuation for a wo...
  2. 迷恋西方 be Westoxicated
  3. 迷恋骸骨 be infatuated with the old a...
  4. 迷惑 puzzle
  5. 迷惑不解 be puzzled
  6. 迷惑人心 throw dust in the eyes of th...
  7. 迷惑敌人 confuse the enemy
  8. 迷惑舆论 throw dust in the eyes of th...
  9. 迷惑视听 confuse the public
  10. 迷惘 alusia
  11. 迷惘的一代 the Lost Generation
  12. 迷昏药 knockout drops
  13. 迷梦 pipe dream
  14. 迷洞 maze cave
  15. 迷津 maze
  16. 迷津测验 maze test
  17. 迷漫 vague
  18. 迷睡 catochus
  19. 迷离 blurred
  20. 迷离恍惚 be in a stupor
  21. 迷离惝恍 being confused and flurried
  22. 迷离扑朔 confused and unable to disti...
  23. 迷糊 misted
  24. 迷航 drift off course
  25. 迷茫 vast and hazy
  26. 迷茫的神情 a confused look
  27. 迷走神经 vagus
  28. 迷路 miss one's way
  29. 迷迷糊糊 in a daze
  30. 迷迷茫茫 vast and hazy
  31. 迷途 lose one's way wrong path
  32. 迷途知返 become aware of one's errors...
  33. 迷途羔羊 an errant sheep
  34. 迷醉 be fascinated by
  35. 迷雾 dense fog
  36. 迷雾笼罩山顶 The mountain top is wrapped ...
  37. 迷魂汤 sth. intended to turn sb.'s ...
  38. 迷魂阵 a scheme for confusing or be...
  39. burst forth
  40. 迸出一句话来 blurt out a word
  41. 迸发 burst forth
  42. 迸裂 split
  43. 迸起浪花 spray spindrift
  44. mark
  45. 迹地 slash
  46. 迹场 trace field
  47. 迹束 trace bundle
  48. 迹线 path line
  49. 迹线偏转速度 writing speed
  50. 迹芽 trace bud

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