1. 别招他生气 Don't provoke him to anger. ...
  2. 别拿他开玩笑 Don't make fun of him.
  3. 别拿大帽子压人 Don't you try to intimidate ...
  4. 别拿我们打哈哈 Don't make fun of us.
  5. 别拿我凑趣儿 Don't poke fun at me.
  6. 别拿话来诈我 Don't try to draw me out.
  7. 别指望他会对你发善心 Don't expect him to show kin...
  8. 别挤 Don't push.
  9. 别提 indescribably
  10. 别提了 Let's not talk about it.
  11. 别搞那么多菜了 Don't make so many dishes.
  12. 别搬弄枪栓 Don't fiddle with the rifle ...
  13. 别无他人 nobody else
  14. 别无他图 no other aims
  15. 别无他法 have nothing for it but
  16. 别无他用 There is no other use for it...
  17. 别无出路 have no other way out
  18. 别无长物 There was nothing precious.
  19. 别晃动桌子 Don't wobble the desk.
  20. 别替我担心 Don't worry about me.
  21. 别有一番天地 an entirely different world
  22. 别有一般滋味 have a distinctive taste gen...
  23. 别有企图 look one way and row another
  24. 别有天地 like another world
  25. 别有情趣 have a distinctive interest
  26. 别有所图 have other aims
  27. 别有洞天 hidden but beautiful spot
  28. 别有用心 have an ulterior motive
  29. 别有用心者 ax-grinder
  30. 别有风味 have a distinctive flavour
  31. 别来抠字眼儿啦 Don't split hairs.
  32. 别来无恙 hope that you are well
  33. 别来无恙乎 How have you been since I sa...
  34. 别来这一套 Don't try that stuff with me...
  35. 别树一帜 set up a new banner
  36. 别样 another
  37. 别歪曲我说的话 Stop distorting what I've sa...
  38. 别演戏了 Stop that playacting.
  39. 别生枝节 have new complications
  40. 别的 other
  41. 别的学生佩服他的理解力深刻 The other students admired h...
  42. 别的孩子撺掇他去打架 The other boys egged him on ...
  43. 别看 in spite of
  44. 别瞎弄那支枪 Don't fool with that gun.
  45. 别离 take leave of
  46. 别离亲人 take leave of one's dear one...
  47. 别称 another name
  48. 别管 no matter
  49. 别管我 Leave me alone.
  50. 别管闲事 Don't put your finger in the...

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