

[ biéyǒutiāndì ] 发音:   "别有天地"的汉语解释   用"别有天地"造句
  • like another world; a place of unique beauty; an altogether different world; an exotic land; here is quite a different sort of life.; scenery of exceptional charm
  • 别有一番天地:    entirely different world
  • 有天:    someday; uknow&micky
  • 天地:    1.(天和地) heaven and earth; universe; world 天地间 in this world; 震天动地 shake the earth2.(活动范围) field of activity; scope of operation 科学研究的新天地 the new field for scientific research; 天地良心 speak the truth; in fact; from the bottom of my heart; 天地万物 works of god
  • 东方-有天:    micky park yu-chun
  • 朴有天:    micky; park yuchun; yu-chun park


  1. The rich perfection of gardencourt at once revealed a world and gratified her need .
  2. 102 lighthouse in the darkness an altogether different world
  3. The first part of the book describes a group of monkeys , some old , some young , some very clever and so on . however , none of them dared to go beyond the waterfall just because they dreaded getting wet . what they didn t know was that there was a paradise behind the waterfall - a very beautiful cave
  4. Tiaohualing hotel is located in the flourishing city of yichang , hubei province . the ancient wood reaches to the sky in the courtyard , the peach overflows fragrantly , the green grass is faint , the quite spot in a noisy neighborhood , which get the romantic feeling of the city oasis alone . it is the ideal place for business , travel and conference for guests at home and abroad
    “桃花流水杳然去,别有天地非人间” 。桃花岭饭店地处湖北省宜昌市繁华闹市,院内古木参天,桃香四溢,碧草幽幽,闹中取静,独领都市绿洲的浪漫感受,是中外宾客商务旅游及举行会议的理想场所。


        别有一番天地:    entirely different world
        有天:    someday; uknow&micky
        天地:    1.(天和地) heaven and earth; universe; world 天地间 in this world; 震天动地 shake the earth2.(活动范围) field of activity; scope of operation 科学研究的新天地 the new field for scientific research; 天地良心 speak the truth; in fact; from the bottom of my heart; 天地万物 works of god
        东方-有天:    micky park yu-chun
        朴有天:    micky; park yuchun; yu-chun park
        有天才:    have a flair [gift] for 她有语言天才。 she has a flair for languages
        有天篇:    eternal
        别有洞天:    hidden but beautiful spot; a world all its own; here is an altogether different world
        别有风味:    have a distinctive [particular] flavour
        别有企图:    look one way and row another
        别有情趣:    have a distinctive interest
        别有所图:    have other aims [plans]
        别有样学样:    don’t be a copycat
        别有用心:    have an ulterior motive; be done with ulterior motives; be ill-intentioned; have an axe to grind; have an ulterior object in view; have an underlying motive in; have another motive; have sth. up one's sleeve; have ulterior motives; with ulterior motives◇别有用心者 ax-grinder; axe-grinder
        别有用心的:    wanting to carry out one's own secret plans cunning
        别有用心地:    with ulterior motives
        别有用心者:    ax-grinderaxe-grinder
        差别有效性:    discriminant validity
        告别有情天:    farewell my dearest; gao bie you qing tian; the remains of the day
        拜天地:    (bride and groom) bow to heaven and earth as part of a wedding ceremony
        春天地:    vernally
        动天地:    rhythm on the range
        法天地:    following natural principles
        海天地:    greatworld; ladies fashions
        别有一般滋味:    have a distinctive taste3
        别有用心,另有动机:    ulterior motive


        别有天地的法语:c'est un autre univers,une perspective encore plus attirante qui s'offre à nous;c'est un nouveau horizon de connaissances
        别有天地的韩语:(1)속계를 떠난[특별한] 경지에 있다. (2)남과는 다른 심경을 지니다. (3)별천지의 가경(佳景)이다. (4)달리 활동하는 바가 있다.
        别有天地的俄语:pinyin:biéyǒutiāndì совсем иной мир (также обр. в знач.: открывающиеся новые перспективы)
        别有天地什么意思:bié yǒu tiān dì 【解释】比喻另有一番境界。形容风景或艺术创作的境界引人入胜。 【出处】唐·李白诗《山中问答》:“桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间。” 【示例】出了山洞口,只见小桥流水,竹篱茅舍,真是~。 【拼音码】bytd 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容风景或艺术创作等的新境界 【英文】like another world quite different from...


  1. "别有洞天"英文
  2. "别有风味"英文
  3. "别有企图"英文
  4. "别有情趣"英文
  5. "别有所图"英文
  6. "别有样学样"英文
  7. "别有一般滋味"英文
  8. "别有一番天地"英文
  9. "别有用心"英文
  10. "别有用心,另有动机"英文


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