1. 客户信用等级 credit rating
  2. 客户借款 a charge to a customer's acc...
  3. 客户往来帐 customer's account
  4. 客户结单 customer's statement
  5. 客房 guest room
  6. 客房女服务员 chambermaid
  7. 客房服务员 room service worker
  8. 客房男服务员 room-service waiter
  9. 客房经理 resident manager
  10. 客散主人宽 When the guests have left
  11. 客星 guest star
  12. 客机 passenger plane
  13. 客机径直飞往南京 The liner flew straight to N...
  14. 客来扫地 sweep the floor when a guest...
  15. 客来敬茶 present the visitor with a c...
  16. 客栈 inn
  17. 客栖 symphily
  18. 客死 die in a place other than on...
  19. 客死他乡 die abroad
  20. 客气 polite
  21. 客流 passenger flow
  22. 客满 sold out
  23. 客票 passenger ticket
  24. 客籍 a settler from another provi...
  25. 客舍 guest house
  26. 客舱 cabin
  27. 客船 passenger ship
  28. 客船误点两小时 The passenger ship was two h...
  29. 客观 objective
  30. 客观世界 objective world
  31. 客观主义 objectivism
  32. 客观事物 objective things
  33. 客观分析 objective analysis
  34. 客观分类 objective classification
  35. 客观制度 objective regime
  36. 客观唯心主义 objective idealism
  37. 客观存在 objective reality
  38. 客观实际 objective reality
  39. 客观性 objectivity
  40. 客观现实 objective reality
  41. 客观真理 objective truth
  42. 客观知识 objective knowledge
  43. 客观经济规律 objective economic law
  44. 客观要求 objective requirement
  45. 客观规律 objective law
  46. 客货一起迅速上岸 The passengers and goods wer...
  47. 客货两用汽车 notchback
  48. 客货两用车 passenger and goods double-s...
  49. 客货船 passenger-cargo vessel
  50. 客车 passenger train

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