

发音:   "客死他乡"的汉语解释   用"客死他乡"造句
  • die in a strange land; slip one's cable in a foreign land -- to die abroad
  • 客死:    die in a place other than on ...
  • 他乡:    a place far away from home; ...
  • 客死:    [书面语] (死在他乡或外国) die in a place other than one's hometown or in a foreign country
  • 他乡:    a place far away from home; an alien land 他乡遇故知 run into an old friend in a distant land
  • 搞死他:    ghost


  1. A few returned home rich , but most of them died miserably
  2. He died in paris in 1938


        客死:    die in a place other than on ...
        他乡:    a place far away from home; ...
        客死:    [书面语] (死在他乡或外国) die in a place other than one's hometown or in a foreign country
        他乡:    a place far away from home; an alien land 他乡遇故知 run into an old friend in a distant land
        搞死他:    ghost
        喂死他:    vista
        乘客死亡率:    passenger fatality rate
        爱在他乡:    love in another town
        刺配他乡:    brand sb.'s face and send him far into exile
        流落他乡:    become homeless in other countries; be left behind in a place away from one's birthplace or home-town and settle there for better or worse; left behind in a strange land; be stranded in a strange land; lead a wretched life far from home; wander destitute far from home
        龙在他乡:    dragon boys
        人在他乡:    yc
        生活在他乡:    vivre ailleuns
        他乡来客:    john from cincinnati
        他乡遇故知:    in der ferne einem alten freund begegnen; run into an old friend in a distant land
        他乡作客:    live in a strange land
        逃奔他乡:    flee from one's native place
        亡命他乡:    live in exile
        异国他乡:    foreign land; strange foreign beauty; terra estrangeira
        缘续他乡:    picture bride
        远走他乡:    travel in distant parts
        云游他乡:    take to the road, vague in one's wanderings as the clouds in the sky
        作客他乡:    sojourn in a strange land; be a visitor in another town
        杀死他人的行为:    the act of killing someone
        要求,强求。 强求逼害死他。:    behest


        客死他乡什么意思:kè sǐ tā xiāng 【解释】指在异乡不幸去世 【示例】他终年飘泊无定,最后落得~的结局 【拼音码】kstx 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. "客室"英文
  2. "客双腔吸虫"英文
  3. "客水"英文
  4. "客思"英文
  5. "客死"英文
  6. "客诉工程师"英文
  7. "客诉与危机处理"英文
  8. "客随主便"英文
  9. "客岁"英文
  10. "客孙"英文


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