- objective truth
- 客观真实: objective reality
- 主观真理: subjective truth
- 客观: objective 从客观事实出发 proceed from the objective facts; 客观存在 [哲学] objective reality; 客观分类 objective classification; 客观分析 objective analysis; 客观实际 objective reality; 客观世界 objective world; 客观事物 objective things; 客观唯心主义 objective idealism; 客观性 objectivity; outness; 客观要求 objective requirement; 客观真理 objective truth; 客观知识 objective knowledge; 客观制度 objective regime; 客观主义 objectivism
- 真理: truth 绝对真理 absolute truth; 客观真理 objective truth; 相对真理 relative truth; 普遍真理 universal truth; 抽象真理 abstract truth; 永恒的真理 constant [eternal; everlasting] truth; 科学真理 scientific truth; 坚持真理, 修正错误 uphold the truth and correct mistakes; 探求真理 seek after truth; 真理的光辉 the light of truth; 真理面前, 人人平等。 everyone is equal before the truth. 讲真理, 不讲面子。 keep to the truth and not spare the sensibilities of those who are criticized. 真理越辩越明, 真理不怕辩论。 truth does not fear contention. the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes
- 客观的: c.objective; d.objective; impersonal; outer; real; take an objective view and a roach of development towards; unjudged