

发音:   用"客观真理"造句
  • objective truth
  • 客观真实:    objective reality
  • 主观真理:    subjective truth
  • 客观:    objective 从客观事实出发 proceed from the objective facts; 客观存在 [哲学] objective reality; 客观分类 objective classification; 客观分析 objective analysis; 客观实际 objective reality; 客观世界 objective world; 客观事物 objective things; 客观唯心主义 objective idealism; 客观性 objectivity; outness; 客观要求 objective requirement; 客观真理 objective truth; 客观知识 objective knowledge; 客观制度 objective regime; 客观主义 objectivism
  • 真理:    truth 绝对真理 absolute truth; 客观真理 objective truth; 相对真理 relative truth; 普遍真理 universal truth; 抽象真理 abstract truth; 永恒的真理 constant [eternal; everlasting] truth; 科学真理 scientific truth; 坚持真理, 修正错误 uphold the truth and correct mistakes; 探求真理 seek after truth; 真理的光辉 the light of truth; 真理面前, 人人平等。 everyone is equal before the truth. 讲真理, 不讲面子。 keep to the truth and not spare the sensibilities of those who are criticized. 真理越辩越明, 真理不怕辩论。 truth does not fear contention. the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes
  • 客观的:    c.objective; d.objective; impersonal; outer; real; take an objective view and a roach of development towards; unjudged


  1. Objectivity is the opposite of fatality
  2. The problem of whether theory corresponds to objective reality is not , and cannot be , completely solved in the movement of knowledge from the perceptual to the rational , mentioned above
  3. If you spend much of your life arguing that language is incapable of expressing objective truth and challenging the basis of the western rationalist tradition , i suppose you must expect a barbed comment or two when you expire
  4. Because of having gotten new knowledge for some theories of civil lawsuit , the ripeness of the knowledge of scope to the appeal , the breakthrough in " objective truth theory " , our country lead into collateral appeal system have feasibility
  5. Based on the analysis of their respective historical origins , this paper compares the historical views of the two theories and reveals their essential distinction : marxism searches objective truth , while hermeneutics studies texts meaning , and even dissolves meaning , therefore banishing truth finally


        客观真实:    objective reality
        主观真理:    subjective truth
        客观:    objective 从客观事实出发 proceed from the objective facts; 客观存在 [哲学] objective reality; 客观分类 objective classification; 客观分析 objective analysis; 客观实际 objective reality; 客观世界 objective world; 客观事物 objective things; 客观唯心主义 objective idealism; 客观性 objectivity; outness; 客观要求 objective requirement; 客观真理 objective truth; 客观知识 objective knowledge; 客观制度 objective regime; 客观主义 objectivism
        真理:    truth 绝对真理 absolute truth; 客观真理 objective truth; 相对真理 relative truth; 普遍真理 universal truth; 抽象真理 abstract truth; 永恒的真理 constant [eternal; everlasting] truth; 科学真理 scientific truth; 坚持真理, 修正错误 uphold the truth and correct mistakes; 探求真理 seek after truth; 真理的光辉 the light of truth; 真理面前, 人人平等。 everyone is equal before the truth. 讲真理, 不讲面子。 keep to the truth and not spare the sensibilities of those who are criticized. 真理越辩越明, 真理不怕辩论。 truth does not fear contention. the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes
        客观的:    c.objective; d.objective; impersonal; outer; real; take an objective view and a roach of development towards; unjudged
        客观地:    objectively
        客观法:    objective method
        客观化:    externalize; objectification; objectify; objectivization
        客观论:    objectivism
        客观权:    objective weight
        客观题:    objective item
        客观型:    objective type
        客观性:    objectiveness; objectivity; outwardness
        使客观:    objectification
        客观性,客观现实:    objectivity (l02)
        半真理:    half-truth
        非真理:    unwahrheit
        公理,真理:    axiom
        论真理:    de veritate
        买真理:    buy the truth
        森真理:    mari mori
        叶真理:    zhenli ye gon
        真理, 真实:    the true
        真理报:    adevarul; al hakika; al haqika; alithea; aththa; attha; de waarheid; die wahrheit; eththa; etta; hakika al; hakikat; haqika al; haqkatha; igaszag; la razon; la verdad; la verite; pravda; runta; sadaquat; su that; tiesa; truth newspaper; ukweli; unen; unian; verdad la; verite la; waarheid de; wahrheit die; wahrheit, die
        客观遮盖试验:    objective cover test
        客观征象:    objective sign


  1. "客观噪声计"英文
  2. "客观责任"英文
  3. "客观责任心"英文
  4. "客观责任原则"英文
  5. "客观遮盖试验"英文
  6. "客观真实"英文
  7. "客观征象"英文
  8. "客观症状"英文
  9. "客观证据"英文
  10. "客观证明责任"英文


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