1. 龙须菜 asparagus
  2. 龙飞凤舞 like dragons flying and phoe...
  3. 龙马精神 the vigour of a dragon or ho...
  4. 龙驹凤雏 a young talented scholar
  5. 龙骧虎步 walk with one's head up like...
  6. 龙骧虎视 prance like the dragon and g...
  7. 龙骨 a bird's sternum fossil frag...
  8. 龙骨底板 shoe
  9. 龙骨式游艇 keelboat
  10. 龙骨木 rising wood
  11. 龙骨板 keel plate
  12. 龙骨线 keel-line
  13. 龙骨线脚 keel molding
  14. 龙骨翼板 garboard
  15. 龙骨船 keel
  16. 龙骨船船员 keel-bully
  17. 龙鳞凤羽 the scales of the dragons an...
  18. 龙麟凤龟 the dragon,the unicorn,the p...
  19. supply
  20. 龚自珍 Gong Zizhen
  21. niche
  22. 龛室 cidorium
  23. tortoise
  24. 龟兹 Qiuci
  25. 龟型 Cheloniform
  26. 龟头 balanus
  27. 龟头包皮炎 balanoposthitis
  28. 龟头炎 balanitis
  29. 龟头脓溢 balanorrhagia
  30. 龟板 tortoise plastron
  31. 龟板胶 tortoise-plastron glue
  32. 龟毛兔角 hair of tortoises and horns ...
  33. 龟甲 tortoise shell
  34. 龟类 Chelonian
  35. 龟纹 moire
  36. 龟缩 huddle up like a turtle draw...
  37. 龟缩一团 be huddled up
  38. 龟背 curvature of the spinal colu...
  39. 龟背石 septarium
  40. 龟胸 pigeon-breast
  41. 龟蛇二山隔江相望 Tortoise and Snake Hills fac...
  42. 龟裂 be full of cracks chap
  43. 龟裂地面 polygonal ground
  44. 龟裂状 polygon
  45. 龟迹 turtle crawl
  46. 龟鉴 a past event or incident ser...
  47. 龟鳖 testudinate
  48. 龟鳖类养殖 turtle and trionychid cultur...
  49. 龟龄鹤算 very old age
  50. yue,a unit of dry measure fo...

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