龙: dragon a huge extinct reptil ...麟凤: rare treasures龟: tortoise; turtle麟凤龟龙: various kinds of good persons凤龟: hoki麟凤: (传说中的珍异动物; 比喻品格高尚的人) rare treasures龙麟靴: i04y马龙麟: ma longlin文龙麟: moon yong lin; moon yong-lin龙麟护盾: dragon scale shield龙麟铠甲: dragon scale armor龙銮潭: kenting national park龙霰架: ryuusenka龙霏霏: chenyaya聋: 形容词(听不见声音;听觉迟钝) deaf; hard of hearing 装聋作哑 pretend to be deaf and dumb; 他聋了一只耳朵。 he is deaf of [in] one ear. 他完全聋了。 he is as deaf as a post [stone, door-post, door-nail, an adder] 龙趸: giant grouper聋得像石头: as deaf as a post龙筵香: ambergris