

发音:   "龙马精神"的汉语解释   用"龙马精神"造句
  • the vigour of a dragon or horse -- vigorous spirit of the aged; full of vigour [vitality]


  1. Good luck , good health , good cheer . i wish you a happy new year
  2. As we enter the year of the monkey , i wish you all good health and a happy and prosperous year ahead
  3. As we enter the year of the monkey , i wish you all good health and a happy and prosperous year ahead
  4. From rmb20 , 000 yuan to rmb3 billion yuan , from 20 “ educated youths ” to 20 , 000 employees , youngor has walked his way in pursuing virtues and spirits of the dragon horse and engraved a legend of youth without feeling languidness


        龙马:    ryoma echizen; ryuma
        那匹马精神抖擞地昂起头来:    the horse perked up its head
        白龙马:    a white dragon-horse
        马精武:    jingwu ma; ma jingwu
        绵马精:    aspidin; filicin; filmarone
        白绵马精:    albopannin
        布龙马洛特:    bourron marlote; bourron-marlote
        迪龙马利:    dirungmali
        迪马精化:    dimachema
        鬼马精灵:    high strung
        克龙马尔姆:    cronmalm
        克龙马克:    cronmark
        绵马精酸:    filicinic acid
        小马精灵:    spirit: stallion of the cimarron
        越前龙马:    echizen ryoma; ryoma echizen
        坂本龙马:    sakamoto ryoma; sakamoto ryōma
        高知龙马机场:    kochi airport
        龙马童子鸡汤:    stewed spring chicken with sea horse and shelled shrimps
        精神:    精神1.(指人的意识, 思维活动和一般心理状态) spirit; mind; consciousness 国际主义精神 the spirit of internationalism; 给予精神上的支持 give moral support; 精神上的负担 have on one's mind; be troubled by; 提高精神境界 acquire a broader mental outlook; 作好精神准备 be mentally prepared; 党员和人民的精神状态很好。 all party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour.2.(宗旨; 主要意义) essence; gist; spirit; substance 传达文件的精神 pass on the gist of a document; 领会社论的精神 try to understand the thrust of an editorial; 精神保健 mental hygiene; 精神崩溃 psychorrhexis; 精神变态 psychopathia; psychopathosis; psychopathy; 精神薄弱 oligergasia; noasthenia; 精神财富 cultural and ethical wealth; spiritual values; spirit wealth; 精神产品 intellectual products; 精神动力 intellectual impetus; 精神发泄 [心理学] abreaction; catharsis; psychocatharsis; 精神分裂症 [心理学] dementia praecox; schizophrenia; schizophrenosis; 精神分裂症患者 schizophreniac; schizophrenic; 精神分析 psychoanalysis; 精神分析法 narcosynthesis; 精神分析疗法 psychoanalytic therapy; 精神分析学 depth psychology; 精神鼓励 moral encouragement; 精神贵族 intellectual aristocrats; 精神涣散 rhembasmus; 精神活动 cerebration; mentation; ergasia; 精神活泼 be full of animal spirits; in buoyant spirits; 精神寄托 spiritual ballast; 精神枷锁 spiritual [mental] shackle; 精神奖励 moral encouragement [reward]; 精神紧紧张 mental tension; psychentonia; 精神劳动 mental labor; 精神疗法 psychotherapy; psychotherapeutics; 精神满腹 full of ideas for state policy [programs]; having great learning; 精神赔偿 mental compensation [satisfaction]; 精神神经病 psychoneurosis; 精神生产 mental production; spiritual production; intellectual production; cultural life; 精神生产者 producer of intellectual values; 精神生活 spiritual [cultural] life; 精神生物学 biopsychology; psychobiology; 精神胜利 spiritual victory; 精神失常 psychopathy; 精神衰弱 athopia; psychasthenia; 精神食粮 nourishment for the mind; mental nourishment; food of the spirit; 精神世界 inner [mental] world; 精神外科学 psychosurgery; 精神万能论 theory of the “omnipotence of the spirit”; 精神危机 intellectual crisis; ideological crisis; 精神污染 ideological contamination; spiritual [moral] pollution; cultural [spiritual] contamination; 精神障碍 dysphrenia; alloeosis; alleosis; 精神正常 eunoia; 精神支柱 spiritual [ideological] prop; moral support [pillars]; 精神准备 ideological preparation; 精神作用 mentation
        白绵马精 绵马根茎素:    albopannin
        罗马精锐军团步兵:    urban cohort
        绵马次酸 绵马精酸:    filicinicacid
        百战天龙马盖先 第一季:    macgyver season 1
        格尔马精密机电有限公司:    gelma gesellschaft fuer elektro feinmechanik mbh
        龙马贸易企业有限公司:    loamer enterprise & trading co., ltd
        龙妈出差:    stop or my mom will shoot


        龙马精神的韩语:원기왕성하다. 건전하고 활기찬 정신.
        龙马精神什么意思:lóng mǎ jīng shén 【解释】龙马:古代传说中形状象龙的骏马。比喻人精神旺盛。 【出处】唐·李郢《上裴晋公》诗:“四朝忧国鬓如丝,龙马精神海鹤姿。” 【示例】见那些大哥哥还在~地说话,她也听不出味道,就打了两个哈欠,悄悄溜了出来。(欧阳山《三家巷》九) 【拼音码】lmjs 【用法】偏正式;作宾语;用于祝词


  1. "龙卵领主"英文
  2. "龙卵学徒"英文
  3. "龙卵战士"英文
  4. "龙妈出差"英文
  5. "龙马"英文
  6. "龙马贸易企业有限公司"英文
  7. "龙马童子鸡汤"英文
  8. "龙脉"英文
  9. "龙脉基金"英文
  10. "龙脉术士"英文


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