1. 倚门而望 watch anxiously from the doo...
  2. 倚门而立 stand leaning by the door
  3. 倚闾而望 waiting at the gate of an al...
  4. 倚靠 lean on or against
  5. 倚音 appoggiatura
  6. 倚马可待 leaning on a horse to dash o...
  7. unconventional intimate
  8. 倜傥 unconventional
  9. 倜傥不羁 untrammeled and romantic in ...
  10. 倜傥不群 a handsome dandy
  11. 倜然 aloof
  12. strong
  13. borrow
  14. 借东补西 borrow from one to pay anoth...
  15. 借书处 loan desk
  16. 借书证 library card
  17. 借以 so as to
  18. 借债 borrow money
  19. 借债容易还债难 It is much easier to run int...
  20. 借债度日 live on loans
  21. 借债抵押品 security for a loan
  22. 借光 excuse me time celestial bod...
  23. 借入 borrow
  24. 借入资本 debt capital
  25. 借公济私 seek for private interest th...
  26. 借公肥私 enrich oneself by performing...
  27. 借刀杀人 murder a person with a borro...
  28. 借助 have the aid of
  29. 借助于 by means of
  30. 借助外国资本 with the aid of foreign capi...
  31. 借助望远镜可以看出在地平线上有一只船 With the aid of a telescope ...
  32. 借助望远镜观察月球 observe the moon with the ai...
  33. 借助词典阅读 read with the help of a dict...
  34. 借势乘权 rely on sb.'s power and misu...
  35. 借印子 borrow from a usurer
  36. 借发价 borrow offer
  37. 借口 use as an excuse
  38. 借口友谊 under pretense of friendship
  39. 借口有病 allege illness
  40. 借口躲避 take shelter in evasions
  41. 借古喻今 narrate anecdotes of the pas...
  42. 借古讽今 use the past to satirize the...
  43. 借外债 contract a foreign loan
  44. 借宿 stay overnight at sb. else's...
  45. 借尸讹诈 extort money by using the co...
  46. 借尸还魂 use a corpse to resurrect a ...
  47. 借差 debit balance
  48. 借手除敌 kill one's rival by proxy
  49. 借据 receipt for a loan
  50. 借支 obtain an advance on one's s...

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